

Das Unternehmen Mattes & Ammann, mit Sitz im schwäbischen Tieringen, ist ein führender Hersteller technischer Textilien. © Mattes & Ammann

Mit der gemeinsamen Produktlinie „Ecoplanet“ tragen Mattes & Ammann und Continental zu einer nachhaltigeren Automobilproduktion bei und bieten gleichzeitig ... By  Sibylle Michel

Wie eine echte Schraube verbindet die „textile Schraube“ die beiden Faserkomponenten und macht aus zwei Einzelteilen ein stabiles Ganzes. © Climatex

24/03/2025 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 12/2025

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meistgelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. By  Daniel Keienburg

The TF30 weaving machine ensures gentle yarn handling for high-performance fibers. © Stäubli

24/03/2025 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 12/2025

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. By  Daniel Keienburg

Fibre fragmentation is a significant topic of concern across the industry, with studies highlighting the potential threat to ecosystems and human health. © Jumpei (via Canva)

24/03/2025 – Research study

Research study

Fashion for Good launches “Behind the Break”

Fashion for Good and The Microfibre Consortium launch “Behind the Break”: exploring Fibre Fragmentation – a landmark study investigating the key drivers ... By  Editorial staff

The cotton is cultivated on 400 hectares in Seville and Córdoba, where it is harvested and ginned, before being spun and knitted in Portugal. © Pyratex

21/03/2025 – Sustainability


Pyratex launches new “0km” supply chain

Pyratex, a Spanish textile pioneer, announces a new “0km” supply chain using cotton cultivated in Spain. By  Editorial staff

Like a real lock, the “textile lock” connects the two fibre components and turns two individual parts into a stable whole. © Climatex

20/03/2025 – Textile circular economy

Textile circular economy

Technological innovation meets sustainability

The Swiss company Climatex is developing Circular Textile Technologies not only to give textiles several lives, but also to lead the industry together ... By  Sibylle Michel

Klopman has recently installed an advanced electrofiltration system in its facility, which allows the recovery of thermal energy and efficient filtration of air emissions. © Klopman

20/03/2025 – Reducing emissions further

Reducing emissions further

Klopman commits to 100% renewable energy

Klopman has achieved a major milestone in its commitment to sustainability: 100% of the energy used in all Klopman production processes will be derived ... By  Editorial staff