Avenir Garment möchte die Zukunft der Modeindustrie mitgestalten mit kreativer Streetwear. © Avenir Garment
Preisträgerin Joline Kaumanns (l.) und Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs auf der eMove360° in Berlin. © Hochschule Niederrhein
Annabelle Hutter: “Being recognised on this list is highly gratifying, I am incredibly proud of being acknowledged in such an important arena as sustainability. Making the list at almost six years under the average age and being part of only 40% of the list who are female shows just how important it is to keep emphasising the path for young women to follow to the top levels of global business.” © Säntis Textiles
Preisverleihung des Young Scientist Awards, Gewinnerin Chanawan Danpan (v. l.): Karla Magruder, Irene Purasachit, Chanawan Danpan, Dieter Eichinger, Robert van de Kerkhof. © Dornbirn-GFC
The Indigo Color technology: Significant savings achieved in water, electricity and chemical usage during fiber production process enhances sustainability of finished products. © Lenzing
The three winners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2022: Lihi Mendel, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; Idan Yoav, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; Viola Schmidt, Hochschule Reutlingen © Bernhard Ludewig/SDBI