

Avenir Garment möchte die Zukunft der Modeindustrie mitgestalten mit kreativer Streetwear. © Avenir Garment

Jedes Jahr zeichnet die Bundesregierung 32 Unternehmen als Kultur- und Kreativpilot*innen Deutschland aus. Auch Unternehmer mit Fokus auf Mode und Textilien ... By  Sibylle Michel

Yiqi Yang is the 2021 recipient of the AATCC Olney Medal for outstanding achievement in textile science. © AATCC

31/10/2022 – Award


Yiqi Yang receives the 2021 Olney Medal

Yiqi Yang is being recognized with the AATCC Olney Medal for his work on the research and development of sustainable, greener textiles. By  Sibylle Michel

Preisträgerin Joline Kaumanns (l.) und Professorin Marina-Elena Wachs auf der eMove360° in Berlin. © Hochschule Niederrhein

Joline Kaumanns, Master-Studentin des Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik der Hochschule Niederrhein, hat den Materialica Award 2022 in der Kategorie ... By  Sibylle Michel

Annabelle Hutter: “Being recognised on this list is highly gratifying, I am incredibly proud of being acknowledged in such an important arena as sustainability. Making the list at almost six years under the average age and being part of only 40% of the list who are female shows just how important it is to keep emphasising the path for young women to follow to the top levels of global business.” © Säntis Textiles

Annabelle Hutter has been included on the highly sought-after Tatler Asia Generation T (Gen.T) 2022 list, which comprises of 300 trailblazing young leaders ... By  Sibylle Michel

Preisverleihung des Young Scientist Awards, Gewinnerin Chanawan Danpan (v. l.): Karla Magruder, Irene Purasachit, Chanawan Danpan, Dieter Eichinger, Robert van de Kerkhof. © Dornbirn-GFC

Im Jahr 2022 konnte das Austrian Fiber Institute die Dornbirner Fachtagung sowohl vor Ort in Dornbirn als auch als Online-On-Demand-Version anbieten. By  Sibylle Michel

The Indigo Color technology: Significant savings achieved in water, electricity and chemical usage during fiber production process enhances sustainability of finished products. © Lenzing

Tencel Modal fiber with Indigo Color technology by Lenzing was presented with the award for Sustainability and Innovation at the ITMF Annual Conference ... By  Editorial staff

The three winners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2022: Lihi Mendel, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; Idan Yoav, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee; Viola Schmidt, Hochschule Reutlingen © Bernhard Ludewig/SDBI

Three young fashion designers – one student and two graduates – were honoured with the European Fashion Award FASH 2022 during Berlin Fashion Week. By  Sibylle Michel