Technical Textiles


CurveTex facade with drapable, elastically adapted rein-forcement textiles made of alkali-resistant glass fibres and a fine concrete matrix © Stanecker Betonfertigteilwerk GmbH

04/01/2019 – RWTH Aachen University, ITA

RWTH Aachen University, ITA

Innovation impulses from textile reinforced concrete

The world's first double-curved textile reinforced concrete facade - novel drapable textile structure also sets innovation impulses for other industries By  Editorial staff

The anniversary creation of Swiss automotive visionary Frank M. Rinderknecht will be on display in the Harman venue at the Hard Rock Hotel during the CES 2019 © Rinspeed

04/01/2019 – CES Las Vegas 2019

CES Las Vegas 2019

Rinspeed presents the further advanced “Snap” ecosystem

CES Las Vegas 2019: Rinspeed presents the further advanced “Snap” ecosystem with the “microSNAP”: “Honey, I shrunk the “Snap!” By  Editorial staff

© Reed Exhibitions

28/12/2018 – Composites Europe 2018

Composites Europe 2018

The Lightweight Path to Success

Trade fair focuses on big advances in manufacturing processes. From 2019 co-located with “Foam Expo Europe” in Stuttgart. By  Editorial staff

Transport der Ocean Farm 1 von der chinesischen Werft in die Norwegische See © SalMar

14/12/2018 – ContiTech: Ocean Farm 1

ContiTech: Ocean Farm 1

Schonende Transportlösung für Fischfutter

Lachs aus Tiefsee-­Aquakultur soll Ernährung der Menschen sicherstellen - Sicon Fördergurte von Continental helfen dabei By  Editorial staff

Dorothea Lang, Germany: "„Mit 4D-Druck zur Bewegung“ - Printing dynamic, form-changing textiles. A targeted combination of fabric tension and a corresponding 3D structure, as well as a “smart” printing filament that can remember its shape, allowing us to specify precise movement patterns that it performs independently in response to certain changes in temperature" © purmundus challenge

05/12/2018 – Purmundus challenge 3D printing design award

Purmundus challenge 3D printing design award

4D printing to achieve movement

The focus of the Master’s thesis on “Using 4D printing to achieve movement” was on developing dynamic, form-changing and smart textiles. By  Editorial staff

Dr. Ulrich Zwissler feiert seinen 80. Geburtstag © Dr. Zwissler

05/12/2018 – Dr. Zwissler AG

Dr. Zwissler AG

Zum 80. Geburtstag alles Gute!

Dr. Ulrich Zwissler, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Dr. Zwissler Holding AG in Gerstetten, feiert am 5. Dezember 2018 seinen 80. Geburtstag. By  Editorial staff

Das Nylon-66-Polymer ist der Hauptbestandteil von Garnen und Geweben für Airbags in der Automobilindustrie. Im Bild: Airbag-Gewebe © Toray Ind.

04/12/2018 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 48/2018

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 48 kommt aus der Rubrik „Technische Textilien“. By  Editorial staff