CurveTex facade with drapable, elastically adapted rein-forcement textiles made of alkali-resistant glass fibres and a fine concrete matrix © Stanecker Betonfertigteilwerk GmbH
CurveTex facade with drapable, elastically adapted rein-forcement textiles made of alkali-resistant glass fibres and a fine concrete matrix © Stanecker Betonfertigteilwerk GmbH
The anniversary creation of Swiss automotive visionary Frank M. Rinderknecht will be on display in the Harman venue at the Hard Rock Hotel during the CES 2019 © Rinspeed
Dorothea Lang, Germany: "„Mit 4D-Druck zur Bewegung“ - Printing dynamic, form-changing textiles. A targeted combination of fabric tension and a corresponding 3D structure, as well as a “smart” printing filament that can remember its shape, allowing us to specify precise movement patterns that it performs independently in response to certain changes in temperature" © purmundus challenge
Das Nylon-66-Polymer ist der Hauptbestandteil von Garnen und Geweben für Airbags in der Automobilindustrie. Im Bild: Airbag-Gewebe © Toray Ind.