.. braiding machines. 20 years ago Timo Piwonski had a business idea. Today, the entrepreneur has two businesses in Münchberg and Crimmitschau, Germany ...
By Editorial staff
Together with the automotive magazine ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, Autoneum has published the special edition “Automotive Acoustics” focusing ...
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Beate Wilms und Hans-Joachim Gierse führen seit Mitte Oktober die Geschäfte der Zwickauer Kammgarn GmbH, ein Unternehmen der Peppermint Gruppe, Berlin.
By Editorial staff
Die seit knapp 10 Jahren leerstehende Villa Lantz in Lohausen soll Düsseldorfer Tradition mit modernem Design und zeitgenössischer Kunst verbinden.
By Editorial staff
Alcantara has been chosen by the Builders who presented their hybrid models in Paris. The material offers undoubted technical and aesthetic advantages.
By Editorial staff