Technical Textiles


Freudenberg & Vilene Nonwovens is currently the only manufacturer in China with its own printing facility (Photo: Freudenberg Performance Materials)

20/09/2016 – Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg Performance Materials

New production facility in China opened

Freudenberg & Vilene Nonwovens brought a new production line for car headliners into operation at its Suzhou site in eastern China. This will enable the ... By  Editorial staff

140 Gäste nahmen an der dritten Konsortialversammlung des Projektes futureTEX in Chemnitz teil (Photo: STFI)

20/09/2016 – futureTEX


Gute Perspektiven für Technischen Textilien

Technische Textilien in neuen Anwendungsfeldern werden die Zukunft der Textilwirtschaft in Deutschland bestimmen. Ein Überblick. By  Editorial staff

Ettlin Lux Miracle in Aktion bei der Sonderausstellung Zukunftslichter bei BMW Lenbachplatz in München (Photo: BMW Group/ Dirk Daniel Mann)

Die Ettlin Spinnerei und Weberei Produktions GmbH & Co. KG hat mit ihrem lichttechnischen Spezialgewebe Ettlin Lux Miracle in der Kategorie Innovation ... By  Editorial staff

Wound dressing (nonwoven/fleece) made from alginate fibres derived from bacteria. Bacterial alginate nonwoven materials absorb up to 70% more liquid than marine alginate nonwovens (Photo: Hohenstein Institute)

01/08/2016 – Albiotex


Wound dressings made from bacterial alginate

Researchers establish a biotechnological process to produce bacterial alginate for use as the raw material for fibre-based medical products. By  Editorial staff

Mondi Ascania, Aschersleben (Photo: Mondi Ascani)

30/06/2016 – Nonwoven composites

Nonwoven composites

The fine art

Mondi Ascania offers made-to-measure nonwoven composites and innovative production processes. By  Editorial staff