

As a result of massive market changes, the company is planning to concentrate on manufacturing base materials for interlinings in Weinheim. © Freudenberg

31/03/2021 – Base materials, finishing, coating

Base materials, finishing, coating

Freudenberg: competence centers in Europe

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel is planning competence centers in Europe. By  Editorial staff

Hightex International Technical Textiles and Nonwoven Trade Fair, which is planned to be held on June 22–26, 2021 was decided to postpone to June 14–18, 2022, considering the effects of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in the world. © Hightex

The postponement decision was taken as a result of intense discussions and evaluations with participants and sector representatives. By  Editorial staff

Ökoprofit certificate: Albaad has been striving to increase its eco-efficiency for a long time. As of 2018, the company was awarded the title of “Ökoprofit company” by the district of Steinfurt, Germany. © Albaad

16/03/2021 – Sustainability


Albaad is certified climate neutral

Albaad is the first wet wipe manufacturer in Germany to be certified as climate-neutral and launches products made from 100 percent recycled material. By  Editorial staff

Hightex 2021 International Technical Textile and Nonwovens Fair, which is scheduled to be held at Tüyap Exhibition and Convention Center from June 22 to 26, 2021, will present the latest technologies and products for nonwovens, technical and smart textiles, which have gained importance and become the focus of the whole world during the pandemic period. © Hightex

23/02/2021 – Global success of technical textiles

Global success of technical textiles

Hightex 2021: The fair will be held in June

Hightex 2021 is scheduled for June 22–26. The focus at the exhibition center in Istanbul will be on technical textiles and production technologies. By  Editorial staff

The German producer of high-tech testing equipment for the textile, nonwoven, and paper industries will demonstrate a simple and fast method to objectively measure important haptic parameters of fabrics with or without coating using the TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer. © Emtec Electronic

10/02/2021 – World Congress on Textile Coating

World Congress on Textile Coating

Emtec Electronic: novel way to measure haptic quality

Emtec Electronic presents with TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer a novel way to measure haptic quality at World Congress on Textile Coating. By  Editorial staff

The nonwoven used in protection classes FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role. © Oerlikon Nonwovens

22/01/2021 – Meltblown and spunbond technologies

Meltblown and spunbond technologies

Oerlikon Nonwoven: Tackling coronavirus

The worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders at Oerlikon Nonwovens. By  Editorial staff

Successful lateral move of a filter expert. The aim of the company is now to distribute FFP2 masks in the future. © F.O.S.

19/01/2021 – FFP2 certification is in planning

FFP2 certification is in planning

F.O.S. expands mask production

Initially dismissed, today it’s a high-quality product in serial production: F.O.S. expands mask production. Successful lateral move of a filter expert. By  Editorial staff