

Truetzschler presents its broad range of CP products optimized for specific requirements. © Trützschler

23/07/2021 – Latest technologies for disinfectant and wipe applications

Latest technologies for disinfectant and wipe applications

Truetzschler at Anex-Since

At Anex-Since, July 22-24, 2021, in Shanghai, Truetzschler Nonwovens and Truetzschler Card Clothing will present their latest equipment at booth 1J20. By  Sibylle Michel

The Oerlikon Nonwoven Meltblown technology offers a cost-efficient solution for the production of high-quality meltblown nonwovens. © Oerlikon

20/07/2021 – Efficient systems for spunbond technology

Efficient systems for spunbond technology

Oerlikon Nonwoven at the Anex-Since

At Anex-Since, July 22–24, 2021, Oerlikon Nonwoven will be showcasing customer-oriented solutions for hygiene, medical and filtration applications. By  Sibylle Michel

According to a Smithers Report, about 500,000 tons of petroleum-based fibers are used each year for the production of wipes. (Smithers Report “The Future of Global Nonwoven Wipes to 2023”, 2018) © Lenzing

15/07/2021 – Fight against plastic waste

Fight against plastic waste

Lenzing supports EU guideline

Lenzing welcomes the uniform labelling obligation for wipes and feminine hygiene products containing plastics, which has been in effect since July 3, ... By  Sibylle Michel

Die Vliesstofftage sind für dieses Jahr abgesagt. Die 35. Vliesstofftage sind nun für den 09. und 10. November 2022 in der Freiheitshalle in Hof geplant. © vtb-bayern

10/06/2021 – Corona-Pandemie


VTB-Bayern: Hofer Vliesstofftage sind abgesagt

Die diesjährigen Hofer Vliesstofftage am 10. und 11. November finden nicht statt. Als neuer Termin wurde der 09. und 10. November 2022 festgelegt. By  Editorial staff

Autefa Solutions spunlace line in Linz, Austria is providing excellent opportunities for trials supporting customers in developing new advanced products. Picture: Square Drum Dryer SQV © Autefa Solutions

The spunlace line with the V- Jet Futura hydroentanglement machine at the Nonwovens Competence Center in Linz is ready for customer trials. By  Editorial staff

According to figures collected and compiled by the Edana secretariat, production of nonwovens in Greater Europe grew by 7.2 percent in 2020 to reach 3,075,615 tonnes (and 85.9 billion square metres) with a total estimated turnover of 9,555 million euro. The total output of the 27 European Union countries is now over 2.15 million tonnes. © Edana

24/05/2021 – Nonwovens


Edana: Growth in nonwovens continues

European nonwoven production grows by over 7 percent to exceed 3 million tonnes in 2020. By  Editorial staff

Aralar site in Amezketa, Spain © Aralar

07/05/2021 – Environmentally friendly adult and baby wet wipes

Environmentally friendly adult and baby wet wipes

Voith and Trützschler Nonwovens: Papel Aralar invests in a PM 5

Successful start-up of Papel Aralar’s PM 5. With the recent investment, Aralar has two WLS lines with a total production capacity of 45,000 tons/year. By  Editorial staff