Textile Printing


SPGPrints presents the new Javelin (Photo: SPGPrints)

28/06/2016 – SPGPrints


Global debut of Javelin digital printer

At ITM 2016, Istanbul (1-4 June 2016) SPGPrints introduced the Javelin digital inkjet textile printer. By  Editorial staff

Multi-Plot Geschäftsführer Joachim Rees hielt in Chemnitz einen kompetenten Vortrag über das Thema „Industrie 4.0“, welches derzeit in aller Munde ist (Photo: Multi-Plot)

28/06/2016 – Multi-Plot


Gelungener Auftritt auf der mtex+

Neue textile Pigmentfarben für das Bedrucken von Baumwolle und Mischgewebe ganz ohne Dämpfen und Auswaschen standen im Fokus. By  Editorial staff

Epson und Robustelli gehen künftig gemeinsame Wege (Photo: Epson)

23/06/2016 – Übernahme des italienischen Textildruckherstellers besiegelt

Übernahme des italienischen Textildruckherstellers besiegelt

Epson übernimmt Robustelli

Die zur Epson Gruppe gehörende Epson Italia S.p.A. hat mit der Familie Robustelli die hundertprozentige Übernahme von Fratelli Robustelli S.r.l. („Robustelli“) ... By  Editorial staff
Printing ink for inkjet printing Photos: ITCF

Printing ink for inkjet printing Photos: ITCF

12/04/2016 – Research


Best digital textile printing

The aim of the research project by ITCF Denkendorf, DITF-MR and TITV Greiz is to establish a reliable data basis for pretreatment when using inkjet printing. ... By  Editorial staff
Fespa Digital 2016, Amsterdam, take place from 8th -11th March (Photo: Fespa)

Fespa Digital 2016, Amsterdam, take place from 8th -11th March (Photo: Fespa)

08/03/2016 – Fespa 2016, Amsterdam

Fespa 2016, Amsterdam

Back to the roots

On 8th March 2016 witnesses the return of FESPA Digital to its origin, at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam. Throughout the week, thousands of visitors ... By  Editorial staff
15/02/2016 – Textile Printing

Textile Printing

TV Tecstyle Visions: Borchert + Moller

More than 40 years of experience and success around the field of textile and advertising print have made us with our strong partner to one of the leading ... By  Editorial staff
Oliver Lüdtke, Marketing Director at Kornit Digital Europe Photos: Kornit Digital

Oliver Lüdtke, Marketing Director at Kornit Digital Europe Photos: Kornit Digital

19/01/2016 – direct-to-garment


The market is growing

Of all the growing markets for digital print, the textile sector is proving to be among the fastest and, within that segment, direct-to-garment production ... By  Editorial staff