

The orange leather is made entirely from natural, plant-based ingredients and can easily be composted. © Elise Esser

08/02/2019 – Leather


So much for orange-peel skin!

Nature has a lot to offer, the orange leather from Elise Esser lets nature be nature and does not require any chemical additives. By  Editorial staff

Bernhard Backhaus und Birgit Knoll vom Salamander Bonded Leather-QM-Team (links und rechts außen), Geschäftsführer Hans Götzfried (2. von links) und Dr. Sigurd Riemer (2. von rechts) vom PFI © PFI

30/11/2018 – Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex

Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex

Salamander Bonded Leather erfolgreich zertifiziert

Alle Lederfaserstoff-Produkte von Salamander Bonded Leather aus Türkheim können nun mit dem Leather Standard by Oeko-Tex ausgezeichnet werden. By  Editorial staff

Texworld Paris - The lectures will be held in the Agora Apparel area from 14.00 to 17.00 hrs on 17 September © Messe Frankfurt

14/09/2018 – Texworld


Fashionsustain goes Texworld Paris

The Fashionsustain conference on 17 September at Texworld Paris shows a spin-off focusing on sustainable shoe and leather innovations. By  Editorial staff

Example – fish leather, lacquered and printed © Schlomski

13/09/2018 – Australia


Fish leather as a business idea

The light blue corrugated halls of an industrial estate in Esperance, south-west Australia, are home to the country’s only maker of fish skin leather. By  Editorial staff

There are numerous ways of using salmon leather creatively © Nanai

07/09/2018 – Salmon leather

Salmon leather

Exotic skins from the sea

Sometimes great business ideas happen by accident. Bischofmais was the headquarters of one of Germany’s largest producers of smoked salmon. By  Editorial staff

Olive grove – a sustainable tanning agent is derived from the leaves of the olive trees © wet-green GmbH

05/09/2018 – wet-green GmbH

wet-green GmbH

Olive leather from Reutlingen

“Every effort to make the production of leather less harmful to people and the environment is respectable,” say wet-green. “That’s not enough for us!” By  Editorial staff

1886 von Carl-August Seibel im pfälzischen Hauenstein gegründet firmieren heute unter dem Dach der Josef Seibel Gruppe die Marken Josef Seibel, Romika, Romikids, Ladystar, Gerry Weber Shoes, Daniel Herzbluth, Empodium, Tizian und Westland © Josef Seibel

31/08/2018 – Josef Seibel Gruppe

Josef Seibel Gruppe

Saisonale Covenants-Ermittlung optimiert das Bankenrating

Der weltweit aktive Schuh-Produzent Josef Seibel hat mit IDL eine durchgängige Systemlösung für Konsolidierung, Planung und Reporting umgesetzt. By  Editorial staff