Textile Machinery

Mayer & Cie. has its head office in Albstadt, Germany. The machinery at the production facility here is to be modernised, whilst jobs are being cre...

Mayer & Cie. has its head office in Albstadt, Germany. The machinery at the production facility here is to be modernised, whilst jobs are being created Photos: Mayer & Cie

Mayer & Cie. (MCT), the traditional German knitting machine maker, is planning to make significant investments in 2015 and 2016 in the fields of technology, ... By  Editorial staff
Woven stitches Photos: H. Stoll

Woven stitches Photos: H. Stoll

With the upcoming Capsule Collection “woven stitches” Stoll presents a new technique: Stoll-weave-in which stands for a technique where floats can be interlaced ... By  Editorial staff
Unival 100 single-end-controlled Jacquard machine Photos: Stäubli

Unival 100 single-end-controlled Jacquard machine Photos: Stäubli

27/04/2015 – Textile Machinery for Technical Fabrics

Textile Machinery for Technical Fabrics

Techtextil/Texprocess 2015: Stäubli

Stäubli will showcase two machines that fit especially well in the production process of technical textiles. Furthermore a selection of technical fabrics ... By  Editorial staff
Product examples Stoll Photos: Stoll

Product examples Stoll Photos: Stoll

08/04/2015 – H. Stoll AG & Co. KG

H. Stoll AG & Co. KG

The challenges in the knitting industry

The challenges in the knitting industry are always accumulating. As well as economic factors such as productivity and efficiency, innovative capability ... By  Editorial staff
Stoll sets new standards with Capsule Collections: the patterns are still be available on the Patternshop Photo: Stoll

Stoll sets new standards with Capsule Collections: the patterns are still be available on the Patternshop Photo: Stoll

In 2015 Stoll starts with their Capsule-Collections and changes thereby the rhythm from former twice to four times a year. These new collections will be ... By  Editorial staff