

Damian Wirth ist neuer CEO von Schlossberg Switzerland AG © Schlossberg Switzerland AG

20/02/2018 – Schlossberg Switzerland AG

Schlossberg Switzerland AG

Wechsel in der Geschäftsführung

Die Schlossberg Switzerland AG gibt Neuerungen in der Geschäftsführung sowie die Umfirmierung bekannt. By  Editorial staff

Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia. The city has the status of Federal Territory and is the country’s administrative, cultural and economic centre and its largest metropolitan region. Wikipedia © fotolia

By  Manik Mehta, New York

Fundgrube für Mittelständler: der Textilforschungsbericht 2016 © FKT

18/08/2017 – FKT


Warum die Zukunft textiler wird

FKT-Forschungsbericht mit 223 Abstacts erschienen. By  Editorial staff

It seems inevitable that China will be producing ever greater volumes of technical textiles in the near future © adpic

26/06/2017 – Technical Textiles

Technical Textiles

Sourcing in China?

Does China be an interesting source market for technical textiles, from the point of view of a German business? By  Editorial staff

IFKT gets a feel for the “Schellenberg Touch” at E. Schellenberg Textildruck AG © IFWS

13/06/2017 – IFKT


Swiss National Section

This year’s International Congress of the International Federation of Knitting Technologists (IFWS) took place on 19th May 2017 in Zurich. By  Editorial staff

Textile digitalisation as a pressure and opportunity, as illustrated by the new Digital Capability Center at the ITA Aachen © InnoMedia/Oertel

09/06/2017 – Forschungskuratorium Textil

Forschungskuratorium Textil

Perspectives 2030: construction sector

Visions with the power for change! Textile visions for the construction industry over the next 15 to 20 years By  Editorial staff

Some 430 participants from German technical universities attended the IVGT ’info-lunch’ © IVGT

09/06/2017 – IVGT


Good atmosphere at Techtextil

Over 35% of textiles producers, across all stages of the manufacturing process, were positive in their expectations for sales over the next six months. By  Editorial staff