

Textile digitalisation as a pressure and opportunity, as illustrated by the new Digital Capability Center at the ITA Aachen © InnoMedia/Oertel

09/06/2017 – Forschungskuratorium Textil

Forschungskuratorium Textil

Perspectives 2030: construction sector

Visions with the power for change! Textile visions for the construction industry over the next 15 to 20 years By  Editorial staff

Some 430 participants from German technical universities attended the IVGT ’info-lunch’ © IVGT

09/06/2017 – IVGT


Good atmosphere at Techtextil

Over 35% of textiles producers, across all stages of the manufacturing process, were positive in their expectations for sales over the next six months. By  Editorial staff

Management board of the successful circular knitting machine manufacturer: Benjamin Mayer, Sebastian Mayer and Marcus Mayer (from left) (Photo: Mayer & Cie.)

07/04/2017 – Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil: Mayer & Cie. continues its series of successes

The Albstadt-based circular knitting machine manufacturer Mayer & Cie. (MCT) can once again look back on an extraordinarily successful financial year. By  Editorial staff

Handskizze der Do 335 aus den Notizbüchern von Peter Dornier (Photos: Dornier)

16/03/2017 – 100 Years Peter Dornier

100 Years Peter Dornier

“From human flight to flying threads”

He founded the Lindauer Dornier GmbH (Lido) in 1950 and led the company successfully for several decades. By  Editorial staff

Dean – fashion label from Pfullingen (Photos: Dean)

13/12/2016 – Dean


High flyer from Southern Germany

Quality is at the forefront – high quality fabrics, high quality work, fair and sustainable products and a love of detail. By  Editorial staff

Die Gewinner des Deutschen Zukunftspreises 2016 (v.l.n.r.) Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Chokri Cherif, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach, Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Offermann (Photo: Deutscher Zukunftspreis)

05/12/2016 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 48 2016

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 48 kommt aus der Rubrik „Business“. By  Editorial staff

Geld regiert die Welt - die Lindenfarb Textilveredlung kämpft ums Überleben

05/12/2016 – Lindenfarb Textilveredelung

Lindenfarb Textilveredelung

Antrag auf Sanierung in Eigenverwaltung gestellt

Die Lindenfarb Textilveredelung, Aalen, hat einen Antrag zum Sanierungsverfahren in Eigenverwaltung gestellt. 400 Mitarbeiter sind betroffen. By  Editorial staff