Equipped with a microphone and a camera, a team of experts from Karl Mayer (China) is recording the atmosphere on the spot for guests who have no means of travelling. © Karl Mayer Gruppe
Equipped with a microphone and a camera, a team of experts from Karl Mayer (China) is recording the atmosphere on the spot for guests who have no means of travelling. © Karl Mayer Gruppe
ITMA Asia + CITME: To date, it has attracted the participation of 1,500 exhibitors, including many established machinery manufacturers from 24 countries. © ITMA Asia
Regina Brückner, Brückner Group, im Bild beim ITMA Virtual Launch: „Textile Produkte langlebiger und wertiger herzustellen, beginnt bereits bei den Rohmaterialien, der Flächenerzeugung und der richtigen Weiterverarbeitung. Am Ende dieser Kette steht natürlich eine gute Veredlung, wie z. B. eine langlebige Funktionalisierung von Textilien, die heute besonders ressourcenschonend möglich ist und zudem deutlich höhere Waschechtheiten ermöglicht.“ © screenshot ITMA Virtual Launch
ITMA Asia + CITME: Originally slated to be held in October, the combined show will now take place from 12 to 16 June 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC), Shanghai. © moofushi/stock.adobe.com
The finishing industry today demands machinery which meets ecological requirements at the same time as enabling mills to operate profitably. And here the swiss finishing maschinery companies are worldwide leading. © Benninger
One highlight was the “Discovery” weaving loom with the new weft insertion system from ITEMA. This machine was surrounded by droves of visitors at every demonstration. © Alexander Büsgen