
Testing laboratory Hohenstein and DuPont have collaborated to develop three innovative and reliable test methods for soft ballistic inserts: The Lower Costal Bending (LCB) test, the Double Curvature Compression (DCC) test and the Edge Pressure (EP) test. © DuPont

Testing laboratory Hohenstein and DuPont have collaborated to develop three innovative test methods for soft ballistic inserts. By  Sibylle Michel

Getzner Textil is establishing itself as a solution partner in the area of PPE for forestry workers. © Marcel Hagen / studio22

12/11/2024 – Getzner Textil

Getzner Textil

Technical fabrics for PPE in the forestry area

Getzner Textil AG is currently establishing itself as a solution partner in the area of personal protective equipment for forestry workers with several ... By  Sibylle Michel

Carrington Textiles and Pincroft as part of their 130 anniversary celebrations have created a distinctive logo to mark the occasion featuring the British Union Jack to represent their proud British legacy. © Carrington Textiles

01/04/2021 – Jubilee


130 years Carrington Textiles and Pincroft

A legacy forged in fabrics: Carrington Textiles and Pincroft celebrate 130 years of UK manufacturing. By  Editorial staff

In less than two months, Merrow quickly became one of the largest manufacturers of PPE in North America and through collaborations with Bolger & O’Hearn and ColorWorks, as well as Dupont, Merrow has, since March, manufactured millions of units of PPE. © ednorog13/stock.adobe.com

06/08/2020 – PPE gap

PPE gap

Covid-19: US-based textile companies join forces

Bolger & O’Hearn, ColorWorks and Merrow Manufacturing, Inc. collaborate to make thousands of units of PPE (personal protective equipment). By  Editorial staff

The package includes an end-to-end suite of software and a specially configured PPE Edition Gerber Paragon cutter with optimized cutting parameters that allow manufacturers to produce up to 150,000 medical gowns and 6 million non-medical masks per week. © Gerber Technology

22/05/2020 – Immediate PPE production

Immediate PPE production

Corona: Gerber Technology offers PPE package

Gerber Technology is now empowering manufacturers to accelerate PPE production by offering a PPE Retooling Package. By  Editorial staff

Christian Moore, CEO of ACG Kinna and Thomas Arvidsson, Vice President of ACG Nyström, spearheaded the new operation. © Borås Tidning

12/05/2020 – From idea to reality in less than a month

From idea to reality in less than a month

Corona crisis: ACG’s new PPE plant

The members of Sweden’s ACG Group have rapidly responded to their country’s urgent need for PPE (protective personal equipment). By  Editorial staff

It is the world’s biggest and most important event when it comes to safety and health at work.: The A+A in Dusseldorf. This year famous fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer took part at the conference. © Messe Düsseldorf, Constanze Tillmann

21/11/2019 – Safe and healthy work

Safe and healthy work

A+A 2019 posts record results

The A+A 2019 from 5 to 8 November registered 2,121 exhibitors from a total of 63 nations and over 73,000 trade visitors. By  Editorial staff