

Techtextil 2026 concentrates Textile Chemicals & Dyes in a separate product segment for the first time. © Messe Frankfurt

23/12/2024 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 51/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. By  Sven Ramer

20/12/2024 – New textile production solutions

New textile production solutions

Integration of clean textile dye and finishing technologies

Green Theme Technologies (GTT), creators of the waterless and “PFAS-free Empel” textile finishing platform, has teamed up with Golden Long John to promote ... By  Editorial staff

As with other Global Standard resources, the development of the GOTS “Due Diligence Handbook” for auditors was an inclusive process involving extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. © Global Organic Textile Standard

16/12/2024 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 50/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. By  Sven Ramer

Aus Textilresten und Bioharz entsteht ein Material, aus dem sich nicht nur Schreibgeräte, sondern auch Möbel herstellen lassen. © manaomea

09/12/2024 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 49/2024

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meist gelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. By  Sven Ramer

In a lengthy conversation with our correspondent John McCurry, Daniel Odermatt, brand manager for Ventile, gave a comprehensive insight into the Ventile brand and its sustainable, all-weather PFC-free cotton textiles. © Ventile

09/12/2024 – On our own behalf

On our own behalf

Review of the industry - week 49/2024

At this point, we present the five most read articles of the past week. The ranking is based on your click behavior on the website. By  Sven Ramer

As with other Global Standard resources, the development of the GOTS “Due Diligence Handbook” for auditors was an inclusive process involving extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. © Global Organic Textile Standard

05/12/2024 – Sustainability guidance book

Sustainability guidance book

GOTS “Due Diligence Handbook” launched

Global Standard, the non-profit that manages the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in partnership with The Hague-based UpRights Foundation, announced ... By  Jasmin Deschner

Waste reflects a burden on resources, inefficient processes, and unmanaged emissions, highlighting the need for action. © Fashion for good

03/12/2024 – Sustainable innovations

Sustainable innovations

Fashion For Good maps global waste hotspots

With catalytic funding from Laudes Foundation and IDH, Fashion for Good partnered with Reverse Resources, Global Fashion Agenda, Circle Economy, and Accelerating ... By  Editorial staff