Creativity Award by the VDMA Textile Machinery Association 2020 for Dipl.-Ing. Philippa Ruth Christine Böhnke, here at the Technical Center for Biotextiles and Medical Textiles at ITM, TU Dresden. © ITM/TU Dresden
Creativity Award by the VDMA Textile Machinery Association 2020 for Dipl.-Ing. Philippa Ruth Christine Böhnke, here at the Technical Center for Biotextiles and Medical Textiles at ITM, TU Dresden. © ITM/TU Dresden
HeiQ was bestowed with the highest honor as First Prize Winner of the Swiss Technology Award 2020 for its breakthrough antiviral textile technology HeiQ Viroblock. Photo: Carlo Centonze and his daughter Anna © HeiQ
InterTech Award 2020 – Die Mitglieder des EFI Reggiani BOLT-Teams, Marco Serafini, Paolo Quadri, Cesare Tomasoni, Alexandra Invernici, Diego Arnoldi und Ernesto Propersi Sterbiati. © EFI
Verleihung des Cleanzone Awards 2020. v. l.: Zackes Brustik (Moderator Cleanzone), Anja Diete (Messe Frankfurt), Valerie Grimm (Cleanzone digital), Birgit Armbruster und Dr. Dominique Gampe (TITV Greiz), Dr. Roy Fox (Reinraumtechnik) © TITV Greiz
Brands Fashion is Europe’s market leader in the field of sustainable workwear. The jury honored the usage of sustainable materials and a resource-saving approach to protect the environment, all the way to improvements in workers’ social and ecological conditions. © Arthur F. Selbach
The Krefeld-based start-up OceanSafe developed synthetic textiles that are 100 percent biodegradable, and received for this innovation the German Sustainability Award Design 2021 as a “pioneer”. © Christian Köster
1. Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis Design: Alle am 03. Dezember geehrten Lösungen in Form von Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Systemen konnten die Jury in Bezug auf die Kriterien Ressourceneffizienz, Umweltverträglichkeit und faire Lieferketten sowie durch ihre gestalterische Qualität, Ästhetik und Funktionalität vollends überzeugen. © Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis