Technical Textiles


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20/05/2019 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 20

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 20 kommt aus der Rubrik „Business“. By  Editorial staff

Melchior’s high performance quality fabrics are sustainable because they make durable workwear with low replacement rates possible. © Melchior Textil

20/05/2019 – Melchior


Fabrics for sustained use

Melchior Textil creats high-performance collections made from durable, hard-wearing fabrics. By  Editorial staff

New to Ettlin’s portfolio: Ring light made from Ettlin Lux © Ettlin

14/05/2019 – Techtextil: Ettlin

Techtextil: Ettlin

High-tech textile materials

At this year’s Techtextil from 14 to 17 May 2019, Ettlin AG is showcasing a special material at the pavilion for the German state of Baden-Württemberg. By  Editorial staff

3D Warp Knit Laminates: 3D structures introduced in the digitally controlled knitting process form the basis for the individualization of performance zones and design in occupational safety and leisure clothing. © Trans-Textil GmbH

13/05/2019 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 19

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 19 kommt aus der Rubrik „Technische Textilien“. By  Editorial staff

For Michael Jänecke, Techtextil/Texprocess 2019 will be his 5th edition as head of the twin fairs. © messe frankfurt

02/05/2019 – Techtextil


Epicentre of techno-textile visions of the future

In the run-up to the trade fair duo Techtextil/Texprocess, textile network spoke to the double trade fair manager Michael Jänecke. By  Hans-Werner Oertel

Firmensitz von „GOF“ © Georg + Otto Friedrich GmbH

09/05/2019 – Techtextil: Georg + Otto Friedrich GmbH

Techtextil: Georg + Otto Friedrich GmbH

Gewirkte Stoffe und digitalbedruckbare Polyester-Wirkwaren

„GOF“ ist mit drei Produktionsstandorten in Deutschland und einer Tochtergesellschaft in Österreich auf Erfolgskurs bei Wirkwaren. By  Editorial staff

Bobotex manufactures and provides almost the entire range of roller coverings for the textile, foil and paper industry as well as the printing industry. © Unsplash

09/05/2019 – Techtextil: Bobotex

Techtextil: Bobotex

Industry expertise in perfection

The ability to respond flexibly to rapidly changing markets, customer desires and requirements has never before been as important as it is today! By  Editorial staff