Technical Textiles


Pro-Belting presents intelligent innovations in the segment protective clothing in Frankfurt. © Frohn HighTex Group

09/05/2019 – Techtextil: Pro-belting

Techtextil: Pro-belting

Intelligent Innovations

Pro-Belting, the in technical textiles specialized divison of Frohn HighTex Group, presents intelligent innovations in the segment protective clothing. ... By  Editorial staff

Vowalon verfügt über modernste Produktionsanlagen – im Bild: Hochleistungsrichtunganlage. © Vowalon/Wolfgang Schmidt

08/05/2019 – Techtextil: Vowalon

Techtextil: Vowalon

Innovatives Polsterkunstleder

Vowaled Pasco heißt das neu und auf Basis wässriger Polyurethane (PUR) produzierte Polsterkunstleder des Beschichtungsspezialist Vowalon. By  Editorial staff

The new convertible soft-top textile mobiltex 388 has been nominated for the German Innovation Award 2019. © Schmitz Textiles

08/05/2019 – Techtextil: Schmitz Textiles

Techtextil: Schmitz Textiles

Exhibition highlight: pioneering textile for soft-tops

From intelligent woven textiles for automotive, aircraft and rail to sound absorbers and outdoor fabrics: Schmitz Textiles is presenting its expertise ... By  Editorial staff

Visit Bekaert at stand D71 in Hall 4.2. and learn more about the advantages of the Bekinox fibers and yarns for the anti-static, heatable, conductive, shielding and cut-resistant textile market! © Bekaert

08/05/2019 – Techtextil: Bekaert

Techtextil: Bekaert

The pioneer for metal fiber

Bekaert is the pioneer in designing, developing and producing metal fiber products for a wide range of applications. By  Editorial staff

This year, the congress is entirely dedicated to the topics of sustainability and digitalization. © shutterstock

07/05/2019 – 58th Dornbirn-GFC

58th Dornbirn-GFC

Communicating Fiber Innovations

Over 100 international speakers will present the latest innovations of the fiber and textile industry from September 11 to 13, 2019. By  Editorial staff

Mitarbeiter benötigen spezielles digitales Know-how, um effizient und flexibel mit Assistenzsystemen zu arbeiten. © Gruschwitz Textilwerke AG

06/05/2019 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 18

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 18 kommt aus der Rubrik „Business“. By  Editorial staff

3D Warp Knit Laminates: 3D structures introduced in the digitally controlled knitting process form the basis for the individualization of performance zones and design in occupational safety and leisure clothing. © Trans-Textil GmbH

06/05/2019 – Techtextil: Trans-Textil

Techtextil: Trans-Textil

New products with highest standards

Innovative textiles with function, design and environmental compatibility are the highlights of Trans-Textil at the Techtextil. By  Editorial staff