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Although the volume of Fairtrade cotton sold from India has grown, demand for African Fairtrade cotton has shrunk. Fairtrade wants to change this © Fairtrade/Sean Hawkey
22/08/2018 – Africa
“Fairtrade means that small farmers can actually live off the hard work that they put in,” explains cotton farmer Titambé Diallo from Senegal, describing ...

Allen Widrigkeiten zum Trotz: Die Menschen in Uganda denken positiv. Frauen der Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) © Cotonea
21/08/2018 – Afrika: Uganda
Afrika: Uganda
Sauberes Wasser dank Fairtrade: Mit einem Teil der Fairtrade-Prämien werden in Uganda saubere Trinkwasserquellen erschlossen.

President Jens D. Lukaczik: "The aim of the Bremen Cotton Exchange is to further strengthen the clear advantages of the natural and sustainable raw material cotton in the consciousness of the consumer, as well as in ecological, social and political discussion.” © Bremer Baumwollbörse
24/07/2018 – Bremen Cotton Exchange
Bremen Cotton Exchange
At the 144th Ordinary General Assembly, the Board of Directors of the Bremen Cotton Exchange elected Jens D. Lukaczik as its new President.