

Helmut Lauterbach, Kelheim Fibres (on the right side), receives the WoW Innovation Award from INDA president Dave Rousse. © INDA

10/07/2019 – Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres wins World of Wipes Innovation Award

During the World of Wipes in Atlanta, the Bavarian manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres has been presented with the World of Wipes Innovation Award. By  Editorial staff

PET bottles are turned into polyethylene fibres whose first textile use is as protective rainwear … after which they are recycled again into T-shirts. © Carl Weiske

19/06/2019 – Sustainability


“We need to get into chemistry”

How would it be if a PET bottle that had been recycled into fibres were then to re-emerge successively as different types of clothing? By  Hans-Werner Oertel

In apparel applications, the possibilities of recombinant spider silks are particularly exciting, realizing unprecedented combinations of physical properties such as luxurious feel and breathable comfort with top durability. © 2015 Christopher Payne

13/06/2019 – Polartec


Spiderman sends greetings

Polartec und Kraig Biocraft Laboratories plan to bring first spider silk fabrics to the performance apparel market. By  Editorial staff

Jochen Boos, CEO Indorama Mobility Group: „E-Mobility, autonomes Fahren, Shared Mobility und intelligente Fahrzeuge bergen Chancen für Fasern und Textilien.“ © PHP Fibres

06/06/2019 – Indorama Ventures

Indorama Ventures

Gründung Indorama Mobility Group

Indorama Ventures hat die Gründung eines neuen Geschäftsbereichs in der Division IVL Fibers mit dem Namen Indorama Mobility Group angekündigt. By  Editorial staff

Bieglo High Performance Polymers expands their range of products with Polyimidefibres. © Bieglo

04/06/2019 – Bieglo


PI-Fibers in the Portfolio

Bieglo High Performance Polymers expands their range of products with Polyimidefibres. By  Editorial staff

Couch of a CAT-Scan including carbon fibre nonwovens © Schmuhl Faserverbundtechnik

23/05/2019 – RecyCarb


From waste back into component

In the research project RecyCarb, a team of two institutes and four industrial partners has established a qualified value chain for recycled carbon fibers ... By  Editorial staff

Netze aus Lenzing Lyocellfasern sind kompostierbar und bioabbaubar. © Lenzing/E. Grebe

21/05/2019 – Lenzing Lyocellfasern

Lenzing Lyocellfasern

Für eine plastikfreie Meereszucht

Die Lenzing Gruppe lancierte auf der Techtextil 2019 in Frankfurt eine botanische Lösung für Meeresanwendungen, insbesondere für die Meereszucht. By  Editorial staff