The high decrease in cotton area is due to the decrease in irrigation water availability that was exacerbated by below normal precipitation during the ...

Glashohlfasergewebe mit gefärbten Monomeren: Selbstheilungsprozess sichtbar gemacht. Blau gefärbtes PEG tritt nach einer Schädigung aus der Hohlfaser aus und durchdringt das Risssystem. © DITF
29/10/2019 – Selbstheilende Faserverbundwerkstoffe
Selbstheilende Faserverbundwerkstoffe
Dem Bauteilversagen keine Chance. Selbstheilende Faserverbundwerkstoffe erhöhen die Sicherheit stark belasteter Bauteile.

For the first time in the history of the cotton industry: World Cotton Day on 7 October. Image: Cotton Worker in Tanzania. © Ernst Grimmelt
07/10/2019 – World Cotton Day on 7 October
World Cotton Day on 7 October
On October 7, take a particularly close look at the fibre content in your clothing. Because October 7 is World Cotton Day.

The new polyimide fiber continues Evonik’s three-decade tradition of developing and manufacturing plastic-based high-performance fibers for the hot gas filtration market at its sites in Lenzing and Schörfling (Austria). © Evonik
01/10/2019 – A new generation of polyimide fibers
A new generation of polyimide fibers
The new product, brand named P84 HT, is distinguished by improved mechanical stability and flexibility at continuously high operating temperatures.