

Debbie McKeegan, Textile Ambassador Fespa: „Innerhalb des globalen Textildruckmarktes wächst der Anteil des digitalen Textildrucks exponentiell.“ © Fespa

25/06/2021 – Digitalisierung der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie

Digitalisierung der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie

Fespa: Nachhaltig, flexibel, schnell

Digitale Drucktechnologien sind energieeffizient und führen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Druckverfahren zu einem sehr geringen Wasserverbrauch. By  Editorial staff

Pedro Jacques de Sousa: “This year’s virtual Global Summit was a great success! We were thrilled to be joined by a group of highly engaged speakers and guests who shared their knowledge and experiences throughout the two-day event. Fespa excelled in offering a programme of educational and insightful presentations and provided the perfect platform for knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.” © Fespa

05/03/2021 – Global Summit on 20 – 21 January 2021

Global Summit on 20 – 21 January 2021

Fespa: First virtual summit

Fespa hosted its first virtual Global Summit on 20 – 21 January 2021, welcoming over 165 delegates from 36 countries. By  Editorial staff

Neil Felton, CEO Fespa: “The delayed event will now take place from 12–15 October 2021 in Amsterdam. By then, I’m confident we can bring together the most comprehensive line-up of suppliers, who will have a huge number of innovations to share. And by Autumn 2021, I believe we’ll all be readier than ever to step out of our routines and re-connect with one another in the real world.” © Fespa

02/03/2021 – In challenging times, strength lies in community

In challenging times, strength lies in community

Fespa: Greeting to the industry from Neil Felton

Neil Felton, CEO, Fespa: “A year of unexpected twists and difficult decisions lies behind us and challenged all of us in different ways.” By  Editorial staff

Fespa has postponed its 2021 Global Print Expo and the co-located European Sign Expo from March until October 202. Seven-month delay reflects uncertainty over European cross-border travel. © Fespa

09/12/2020 – Covid-19


Fespa postpones 2021 Global Print Expo again

The Fespa events will take place from 12–15 October 2021 in the same halls of the RAI, enabling Fespa to transition the current floor plan to the later ... By  Editorial staff

Aussteller wie Besucher freuen sich darüber, der virtuellen Welt zu entkommen und endlich wieder auf der Fespa 2021 in Amsterdam persönliche Gespräche mit Produktexperten und Branchenkollegen in der realen Welt führen zu können. © Fespa

16/11/2020 – Großes Ausstellerinteresse

Großes Ausstellerinteresse

Fespa Global Print Expo 2021 in Amsterdam

Die Fespa Global Print Expo und die European Sign Expo 2021 finden vom 09. bis 12. März 2021, RAI Amsterdam, Niederlande, statt. By  Editorial staff

Die Veranstaltung im März 2021 ist die erste Fespa, die wieder live stattfindet, nachdem alle für 2020 geplanten Veranstaltungen aufgrund der dynamischen Entwicklung der Covid-19-Pandemie nach 2021 verschoben wurden. © Fespa

21/10/2020 – Kampagnenstart für 2021

Kampagnenstart für 2021

Fespa 2021: Bringing colour back

Die Fespa hat jetzt die Werbekampagne für ihre Veranstaltung vom 09. bis 12. März 2021 im RAI-Messezentrum in Amsterdam, Niederlande, gestartet. By  Editorial staff

The winners were announced during an online ceremony hosted by Fespa’s Technical Support Manager, Graeme Richardson-Locke, in lieu of the live Gala Awards event. © Fespa

07/10/2020 – Fespa Awards 2020

Fespa Awards 2020

And the winners are...

Fespa has announced the winners during an online ceremony hosted by Fespa’s Technical Support Manager, Graeme Richardson-Locke. By  Editorial staff