The total volume amounted to 74 million tonnes. Spunlaid nonwovens, newly included in global supply, slowed to the lowest growth rate in the century at nearly 4 percent to reach almost 7 million tonnes. © Andreas Engelhardt
The total volume amounted to 74 million tonnes. Spunlaid nonwovens, newly included in global supply, slowed to the lowest growth rate in the century at nearly 4 percent to reach almost 7 million tonnes. © Andreas Engelhardt
Wound onto a spool, the viscose filament yarn was spun from recycled cotton provided in form of cellulose sheets. Researchers at the Fraunhofer IAP have found a way to turn cotton clothes such as jeans into new high-quality garments rather than lowly cleaning rags. © Fraunhofer IAP
Cotton since 1901, Made in Germany, the new Gebrüder Otto brand, stands for clear quality standards and sustainable value created in Germany. © Gebrüder Otto
World Cotton Production. The annual report provides a review of the past year in the international cotton market with detailed information on developments and trends. © Bremer Baumwollbörse
Marion Röttges, Co-CEO Apparel & Communication at Remei, about corporate responsibility, the importance of collaboration for meaningful value chains and the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic. © Remei AG