

E-Commerce and Logistics: Protecting goods from adverse weather and other factors helps to ensure satisfied end-customers. Loepfe’s WeftMaster SFB-L yarn brake is the perfect system for producing these coated technical fabrics on projectile and rapier looms in the most economical way. © Loepfe Brothers

15/04/2021 – The new WeftMaster SFB

The new WeftMaster SFB

Loepfe: Redesigning our future

Loepfe’s WeftMaster SFB-L yarn brake for producing coated technical fabrics on projectile and rapier looms in the most economical way. By  Editorial staff

Fabric quality assurance system Uster EVS Fabric Vision. © Uster Technologies

25/03/2021 – Reducing waste, improving yield

Reducing waste, improving yield

Uster fabric inspection systems

Uster’s Think Quality approach now takes in automatic fabric inspection. By  Editorial staff

Mundschutzmasken mit der Präzision eines Airbags: Hans-Jürgen Schmidt (links), Geschäftsführer von Dornier, und Lars Öller, Leitung Technologiezentrum Webmaschinen, DITF, zeigen einen Mundschutz-Prototyp, der auf Dornier Jacquard- Webmaschinen in einem Stück gewebt werden kann. © CF

05/11/2020 – Wiederverwendbare Masken

Wiederverwendbare Masken

Lindauer Dornier: One Piece Masks aus Präzisionsgewebe

DITF startet Projekt zur Fertigung von „One Piece Masks“ aus Präzisionsgewebe in Jacquard-Webtechnik. Tragekomfort, Schutzfunktion, Ökologie im Fokus. By  Editorial staff

The WeftMaster SFB weft thread brake has now been upgraded with new electronics to control up to four brakes. © Loepfe Brothers

26/10/2020 – New product boosts weaving productivity

New product boosts weaving productivity

Loepfe: WeftMaster SFB

The WeftMaster SFB is the first of several of planned launches featuring latest technology products aimed at maximizing productivity in weaving mills. ... By  Editorial staff

Getzner Textil AG: Instead of floor storage, the fabric rolls are stored in a rack system from Ohra. © Ohra

07/08/2020 – Cantilever racks for the storage of fabric rolls

Cantilever racks for the storage of fabric rolls

Getzner Textil AG: Rapid access to fabric rolls

Getzner’s textile weaving mill in Gera, Germany, has changed its fabric roll warehouse storage concept to a cantilever rack storage system from Ohra. By  Editorial staff

Geschäftsführer Mag. Thomas Pfeiffer © Herka

18/06/2020 – Was kommt nach den Masken? – Teil 23

Was kommt nach den Masken? – Teil 23

Herka GmbH (Kautzen/Österreich)

Geschäftsführer Mag. Thomas Pfeiffer: „Angst und Unsicherheit sind die für Branche nicht förderlich, ich erlebe die Krise als Herausforderung.“ By  Hans-Werner Oertel

Ugo Ghilardi has been appointed as CEO of Itema Group, the Italian-based leading provider of best-in-class weaving solutions including weaving machines, spare parts and integrated services. © Itema

16/03/2020 – Weaving technologies

Weaving technologies

Itema Group announces appointment of Ugo Ghilardi as new CEO

Itema Group announces appointment of Ugo Ghilardi as new CEO and moves towards a new stage of development and consolidation. By  Editorial staff