

Highlight des auf der TV TecStyle Visions vorgestellten Produktspektrums von Delfina ist die Linie Bandeo. © Wäschekrone/Thilo Weimar

23/01/2020 – Textilwerbung mit Wohlfühlfaktor

Textilwerbung mit Wohlfühlfaktor

TV TecStyle Visions: Wäschekrone

Delfina, eine Marke des Hotelwäsche-Spezialisten Wäschekrone, präsentiert ihr umfangreiches Portfolio an hochwertigen Frottiertüchern und Bademänteln. ... By  Editorial staff

“Hidden structures: A photographic journey into the world of textiles“: Special exhibition at the German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technikmuseum) from 13 November 2019 to 10 May 2020 © SDTB/Foto: C. Kirchner

14/01/2020 – Hidden Structures

Hidden Structures

A photographic journey into the world of textiles

textiles such as whipcord and madras have largely fallen into oblivion. By  Editorial staff

Andreas Kielholz, Managing Director of JUMBO-Textil: “Solutions for the mobility of the future must be lightweight. Because every gram less of weight helps – regardless of the motor, but especially in e-mobility.” © Jumbo-Textil

14/11/2019 – For the vehicle of the future

For the vehicle of the future

Narrow textiles and textile components

Jumbo-Textil specialises in narrow textiles and textile components is the ideal solution partner for the automotive industry. By  Editorial staff

Die Motz GmbH bietet textile Bänder und technische Lösungen, die individuell auf das Produkt und den damit verbunden Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. © Motz GmbH

27/09/2019 – Uwe Bolwin übernimmt Leitung Vertrieb und Business Development

Uwe Bolwin übernimmt Leitung Vertrieb und Business Development

Motz verstärkt seine Aktivitäten

Anfang September 2019 hat Uwe Bolwin die Leitung Vertrieb und Business Development beim Textilhersteller Motz, Neukirchen-Vluyn, übernommen. By  Editorial staff

One highlight was the “Discovery” weaving loom with the new weft insertion system from ITEMA. This machine was surrounded by droves of visitors at every demonstration. © Alexander Büsgen

02/08/2019 – New weft insertion method pulls the crowds

New weft insertion method pulls the crowds

ITMA: Innovation meets traditional weaving

From 20 to 26 July 2019, Barcelona hosted ITMA 2019, opening the stage to innovative and forward-looking concepts in textile machine engineering. By  Editorial staff

Weaving sustainably: Rapier and air-jet weaving machines from Dornier provide efficient weaving solutions for protecting people and the environment. © Dornier

26/04/2019 – Techtextil: Dornier

Techtextil: Dornier

Sustainable weaving!

The family-owned company will present comprehensive solutions in sustainable technologies for the manufacture of clothing, home textiles and technical ... By  Editorial staff

The new generation of rapier weaving machines, the P2 TGP: More and more Chinese textile companies are choosing weaving machines from Dornier in order to meet the growing demand for high quality technical fabrics for aircraft parts, filters, automotive and safety textiles © Dornier

04/12/2018 – Dornier


Most modern weaving technology for China

Quality before quantity: China turns increasingly to superior quality weaving machines from Dornier for manufacturing technical fabrics. By  Editorial staff