

© Brax

10/04/2018 – Brax/Human Solutions

Brax/Human Solutions

Brax continues to expand its digitization program

Since January 2018 Brax has successfully integrated Assyst’s PLM GoLive to develop its collections even faster and more efficiently in the future. ... By  Editorial staff

ltrasonic welding is a modern, future-oriented and economical alternative and a supplement to conventional sewing technology © Munich Fabric Start

10/04/2018 – Microfactory part 5

Microfactory part 5

The worksteps in the Microfactory – Step 4: Finishing

After design, printing and cutting in the Microfactory, the next step is to assemble the individual pieces into one garment. By  Editorial staff

"Dem Design obliegt eine zentrale Aufgabe, wenn es darum geht Slow Fashion umzusetzen", so Prof. Martina Glomb © Hochschule Hannover/Patrick Slesiona

09/04/2018 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 14/2018

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 14 kommt aus der Rubrik „Fashion“. By  Editorial staff

© Paul Warchol

06/04/2018 – Jil Sander

Jil Sander

Fashion for right now

The exhibition ‘Jil Sander, Present Tense’ at the Museum for Applied Art in Frankfurt honours the emblematic works of the German design icons By  Editorial staff

Trend Area © Milano Unica

05/04/2018 – Milano Unica

Milano Unica

Grundelemente einer nachhaltigen Zukunft

„Save the Planet!“ Der Aufruf der Milano Unica (6.-8. Februar) mahnt zum respektvollen Umgang mit den Grundpfeilern unseres Lebens: Wasser, Erde, Luft By  Editorial staff

Première Vision showed that knitwear is as innovative as ever © Hövelmann

04/04/2018 – Textile trade fairs spring/summer 2019

Textile trade fairs spring/summer 2019

Normality and frustration

The European textile fairs for S/S 2019 have been successful on the whole. the textile industry is still striving towards a sustainable future.   By  Editorial staff

The 1st Lifestyle Iran will take place in December 2018 © Messe Düsseldorf

03/04/2018 – Messe Düsseldorf

Messe Düsseldorf

Lifestyle Iran

Messe Düsseldorf and IGEDO Company celebrate premiere of new fashion and lifestyle show in Shiraz By  Editorial staff