Creating a full service network for the Fashion and Accessories industry. Apparel Export Promotion Council is organising Asia’s biggest apparel fair.
By Editorial staff
An exhibition in Italy featuring Missoni’s company and family history attracted over 40, 000 visitors. Now the exhibits are on show in London.
By Editorial staff
Existenzsichernde Löhne im Massenmarkt? Wie das geht, zeigt eine Pilotprojekt-Kollektion von Continental Clothing und Fair Fashion Network.
By Editorial staff
At the Lake D’Iseo in Italy, from June 13 to July 3, 2016, visitors can take a walk on a walk-along pier three kilometers in length, consisting, among ...
By Editorial staff
Deep dive was the term Roland Schuler, IACDE’s International President had chosen when opening this year’s World Convention for the unique cluster of its ...
By Editorial staff