

The Preview Textile Fair at Munich Fabric Start offers a powerful portfolio of innovative fabrics and additionals as well as information on current trends. (Photo: Munich Fabric Start)

01/07/2016 – View Premium Selection

View Premium Selection

Dynamic kick-off for the Autumn/Winter season 2017/18

With over 300 pre-collections the View Premium Selection on 5 and 6 July 2016 will be setting a strong signal for the industry at an early date. By  Editorial staff

'Raw for Oceans': Celebrity endorsement Pharrell Williams (Photo: G-Star)

29/06/2016 – Sustainability


VIP: Very Important Products

Stars and starlets love sustainable fashion. Textile network asked: Why could that be? By  Editorial staff

57th India International Garment Fair

29/06/2016 – India


57th India International Garment Fair

Creating a full service network for the Fashion and Accessories industry. Apparel Export Promotion Council is organising Asia’s biggest apparel fair. By  Editorial staff

Missoni succeeded in transforming fashion into art (Photo: Missoni)

29/06/2016 – Museum Tips

Museum Tips

Fashion and Textile Museum shows Missoni

An exhibition in Italy featuring Missoni’s company and family history attracted over 40, 000 visitors. Now the exhibits are on show in London. By  Editorial staff

Fare Share: Das Ziel dieses Pilotprojektes ist es, existenzsichernde Löhne in einer Fabrik in Südindien zu implementieren. (Photo: Continental Clothing)

27/06/2016 – Fair Share

Fair Share

Faire Löhne sind machbar

Existenzsichernde Löhne im Massenmarkt? Wie das geht, zeigt eine Pilotprojekt-Kollektion von Continental Clothing und Fair Fashion Network. By  Editorial staff

The Floating Piers, Lake Iseo, Italy, 2014-16 Photos: Wolfgang Volz, 2016 Christo

At the Lake D’Iseo in Italy, from June 13 to July 3, 2016, visitors can take a walk on a walk-along pier three kilometers in length, consisting, among ... By  Editorial staff

Präsidium DT: Von links nach rechts: Ralph Habich (Vizepräsident DT), Mara Michel (Vizepräsidentin (DT), Susanne Lengyel (Vizepräsidentin DT), Boris Kochan (Präsident DT), Christian Büning (Vizepräsident DT) Photo: Ingo Kniest

07/06/2016 – VDMD


Zusammenschluss im Deutschen Designtag

Erstmalig haben sich acht der wichtigsten deutschen Designvertretungen in einem gemeinsamen Verband zusammengeschlossen. By  Editorial staff