

Erfolgreiches Messeduo: Texprocess und Techtextil in Frankfurt.

14/03/2017 – Textanzeige


Texprocess auf Höhenflug

Ausstellerhöchststand, innovatives Rahmenprogramm, Special „Living Space“: Die Frankfurter Texprocess führt ihren Erfolgskurs fort. 2017 findet die internationale ... By  Editorial staff

Digitale Innovationen bei den Ausstellern der Texprocess.

14/03/2017 – Textanzeige


Texprocess zeigt Digital Textile Microfactory

Digitalisiert, live und in Realtime: Vom 9. bis 12. Mai 2017 präsentiert die Texprocess erstmals die „Digital Textile Micro Factory“. Besucher erleben ... By  Editorial staff

Innovative Apparel Show at Techtextil: Catwalk for unconventional materials and processing technologies in fashion (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jean-Luc Valentin)

14/03/2017 – Techtextil/Texprocess


Smart textiles on their advance

Fashion and cars have several things in common. They can heat, illuminate and communicate: intelligent textiles – also known as smart textiles. By  Editorial staff

Beautiful tonight (Photo: ESA/NASA)

12/12/2016 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 49 2016

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 49 kommt aus der Rubrik „Fashion“. By  Editorial staff

Beautiful tonight (Photo: ESA/NASA)

06/12/2016 – Techtextil and Texprocess

Techtextil and Texprocess

Mission to Mars!

Collaboration with the ESA and the DLR in space impossible without technical textiles and the associated processing technology By  Editorial staff
Gerber Technology’s AccuMark 10 Increases Productivity, Collaboration in Pattern Design
Photos: Gerber Technology

Gerber Technology’s AccuMark 10 Increases Productivity, Collaboration in Pattern Design Photos: Gerber Technology

30/06/2015 – "faster, smarter and better"

"faster, smarter and better"

Texprocess 2015: Gerber Technology is very satisfied

“No hardware without software’ was the main theme of Texprocess 2015. More and more companies are banking on modern IT solutions with 3D visualisation ... By  Editorial staff