

Martino Scabbia Guerrini, Group President EMEA VF Corporation: The VF Foundation, the private grantmaking organization funded by VF Corporation, one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies, will contribute an initial $1.5 mn to support local communities around the world as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. © VF Corporation

08/04/2020 – VF Corporation

VF Corporation

VF Foundation supports Covid-19 relief efforts

The VF Foundation will contribute an initial US-Dollar 1.5 mn to support local communities around the world as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. ... By  Editorial staff

On 30 April 2020, the longtime sales manager of Gunold GmbH, Kajo Bauer, will go into his well-deserved retirement. Kajo at TV TecStyle Visions 2020 in Stuttgart. © Gunold

02/04/2020 – 44 years in one and the same company

44 years in one and the same company

Gunold: Kayo Bauer retires after 44 years

44 years in one and the same company? Where does that still happen? At Gunold! On 30 April 2020, Kajo Bauer, will go into his well-deserved retirement. By  Editorial staff

Cornelia Buchwalder © Cematex

02/04/2020 – New Secretary General

New Secretary General

Cematex choses Cornelia Buchwalder

Cornelia Buchwalder has been chosen as the new Secretary General by Cematex, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers. By  Editorial staff

While many clothing brands and retailers are focusing on their own survival in these difficult times, they must also heed the financial strain on the factories and workers who produce their clothes. Collaboration, cooperation and strategic partnerships have been rallying calls across the industry in recent years, and they’re needed now more than ever before. © kate/

30/03/2020 – Corona-crisis


Global-Data: clothing supply chains under stress

What began in China is now causing chaos throughout the entire supply chain. The interruption of clothing deliveries is affecting the whole world. By  Editorial staff

Lenzing suspends its result forecast for 2020 as disclosed on March 12, 2020. © Lenzing

27/03/2020 – COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 crisis

Lenzing suspends 2020 guidance

The Lenzing Group expects based on recent developments a negative impact on its textile sales volume. By  Editorial staff

textile network wants to continue to be your mouthpiece – daily updated in our online magazine, summarized in our print edition and via newsletter, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. © Iris Schlomski

25/03/2020 – Corona crisis

Corona crisis

Editorial announcement: We are still there for you!

We continue to fulfil the important task as an information multiplier providing you with professionally sound information from the industry! By  Editorial staff

We all instinctively know that panic is a poor adviser and, as I said at the beginning of this article, every crisis brings opportunities. So, what is the order of the day? To ensure we all survive! On that note: please stay healthy! © dennisdolecki/

18/03/2020 – Outmanoeuvred...


The coronavirus Covid 19 changes everything

9,300 cases and 26 deaths in Germany alone. The coronavirus crisis has brought public life to a complete standstill. And yet, every crisis can lead to ... By  Editorial staff