

Rendering: 3D-Inhalte übertragen aus der CAD und exportiert als qualitativ hochwertige Bilder. © Hochschule Niederrhein/Mylene, Belgien

19/09/2022 – Im Gespräch mit Michael Ernst

Im Gespräch mit Michael Ernst

Stand-alone-Systeme vs. 2D-3D-Integration

textile network sprach mit Michael Ernst, dem Experten in Sachen 3D-Produktentwicklung, über aktuelle und zukünftige technologische Entwicklungen in der ... By  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Vizoo digitizes material samples so that designers can use them directly with their 3D scenes. © Vizoo

13/09/2022 – Digital fabrics

Digital fabrics

How 3D technologies speed up fabric selling processes

The benefits of digitizing swatches does not only serve the fashion brands’ production pipeline, but also improves customer service and speed. By  Sibylle Michel

The fibers are pressed through spinning nozzles. The nozzles are located at the upper end of the spinning shaft of the plant. © Fraunhofer ITWM

05/09/2022 – Virtual spinning

Virtual spinning

Faster spinning thanks to simulation

The Fraunhofer ITWM is developing a simulation software that virtually maps and examines a wide range of spinning processes. By  Sibylle Michel

Due to the spectral rendering, color adjustment of the surfaces is no longer necessary, even when changing different types of light in a scene. © Caddon

15/08/2022 – Software for weaving mills

Software for weaving mills

Digital prediction of spectral weaves

In Caddons solution, program data for industrial looms are converted into a photo-realistic representation of the woven surface. By  Sibylle Michel

With the Vidya Viewer and AssystCloud, a whole new world of global collaboration opens up. © Assyst

18/05/2022 – Texprocess: Assyst

Texprocess: Assyst

One step ahead with 3D simulation

At this year’s Texprocess, Assyst will be represented with a small communications stand so they can once again meet their costumers in person. By  Sibylle Michel

The start-up’s founding purpose: to counter the increasing returns problem of up to 50% in online clothing retailing with a multitrack approach. © Presize

05/05/2022 – Reality check for virtual dressing

Reality check for virtual dressing

Mega deal: Presize start-up owned by Meta now

April 18, 2022, the Facebook Corporation Meta Platform Inc. announced the 100% takeover of Munich-based startup Presize – an article by Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh. By  Editorial staff

“There will be massive competition for more traditional fashion players who didn’t scale their e-commerce business,” predicted Stanford graduate Leon Szeli in Presize founding year 2019. © Presize

05/05/2022 – Body-scanning software

Body-scanning software

Let’s talk: Interview with Leon Szeli from Presize

Facebook Corporation Meta Platform Inc. announced the takeover of Presize. textile network correspondent Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh met with Presize CEO, Leon ... By  Editorial staff