

Dornbirn-MFC – the European characterised innovation platform act as an Idea- and Network generator – for nonwovens too! © Shutterstock

31/05/2017 – Dornbirn-MFC


Dornbirn-MFC as idea- and network generator

In recent years Dornbirn-MFC has gradually developed as a “global brand“ and its rising number of participants and international origin reflect its status. By  Editorial staff

Ralf Düster, Geschäftsführer der Setlog GmbH begrüßt die mehr als 180 Teilnehmer des Nachmittag-Events. © Setlog

Die Firma Setlog und die Bundesvereinigung für Logistik und dem LogistikCluster NRW luden am 16. März 2017 nach Bochum zu einem hochkarätigen Vortragsprogramm. By  Editorial staff

The Sustainable Textile School aims to raise awareness for this topic among students and professionals (Photo: adpic)

17/03/2017 – Globale Sustainable Textile School 2017

Globale Sustainable Textile School 2017

Independent Scientific Textile Platform

Event platform for experts and students to create a common space for training, knowledge transfer and further education with a focus on sustainability ... By  Editorial staff

The DWI has great expertise in the field of polymers and is working on coatings and functionalities for textiles with a view to creating “tailored surfaces” (Photo: Philipp Scheffler/DWI)

02/03/2017 – RWTH Aachen

RWTH Aachen

German Textile Conference

Deutsches Fachkolloquium Textil (German Textile Conference) provides impetus for the bespoke surfaces of the future. By  Editorial staff

Inauguration ceremony by Chief Guest Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister, Government People’s of Republic Bangladesh (Photos: Greenside)

15/02/2017 – Dhaka Apparel Summit 2017

Dhaka Apparel Summit 2017

An open dialogue on the textile and apparel industry in Bangladesh

An international apparel summit is all set to take place in Dhaka with the objective of opening dialogue on framing strategies to secure a more sustainable ... By  Editorial staff

Extended scope and strides forward in key functionalities, including material forecasting, deliver number one industry ranking for Lectra Fashion PLM in WhichPLM benchmark study (Photo: Lectra)

 Lectra’s latest fashion PLM solution reaps highest score in industry expert evaluation. By  Editorial staff

Techtextil Studentenwettbewerb Preisverleihung 2015 (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH/Thomas Fedra)

25/11/2016 – Techtextil


Junge Ideen für Bauen mit Textil gefragt

Anmeldungen für Studentenwettbewerb von Techtextil und Tensinet noch bis 26. Februar 2017 möglich. By  Editorial staff