
The competition “Texprocess Innovation Award” is now open for entries, which can be submitted until 18 February 2019! © Messe Frankfurt
23/01/2019 – Texprocess Innovation Award 2019
Texprocess Innovation Award 2019

Dorothea Lang, Germany: "„Mit 4D-Druck zur Bewegung“ - Printing dynamic, form-changing textiles. A targeted combination of fabric tension and a corresponding 3D structure, as well as a “smart” printing filament that can remember its shape, allowing us to specify precise movement patterns that it performs independently in response to certain changes in temperature" © purmundus challenge
05/12/2018 – Purmundus challenge 3D printing design award
Purmundus challenge 3D printing design award

Peter D. Dornier, member of the Executive Board of the VDMA Textile Machinery Federation and Chairman of the Walter Reiners Foundation for the Promotion of Young Engineers, honours five young talents. Numerous entrepreneurs and managers from the German textile machinery industry took part in the award ceremony at the Digital Capability Center (DCC) in Aachen, Germany © VDMA
04/12/2018 – VDMA Textile Machinery
VDMA Textile Machinery

Die 11. Ausschreibung des Frankfurtstyleaward geht an rund 1.000 Modeschulen, ihre Studenten. Das Finale mit Fashion Shows und Award Verleihung findet auf der Tendence am 29. Juni 2019 statt © Szimbado
04/12/2018 – Frankfurtstyleaward 2019
Frankfurtstyleaward 2019

Aarish Netarwala, United States: “Adidas Grit is a pair of resistance training shoes, that replicates the experience of training on soft sand. Grits can be worn to by athletes to train on any running surface. The sole of the shoe mimics sand and absorbs energy from the user, fatiguing the leg muscles faster through strenuous exercise.” © Adidas
04/12/2018 – Adidas Grit
Adidas Grit

Frau Dr.-Ing. Monireh Fazeli während ihres Forschungsaufenthaltes im Centre for Advanced Composite Materials (CACM), University of Auckland in Neuseeland © Richard NG