

Allein bei Babytüchern ist eine Einsparung tausender Tonnen Plastikmüll möglich. © Albaad Deutschland GmbH

23/10/2019 – Hydrofine ist frei von Mikroplastik und biologisch abbaubar

Hydrofine ist frei von Mikroplastik und biologisch abbaubar

Plastikfreie Babytücher von Albaad

Konventionelle Babypflegetücher bestehen zu 80 Prozent aus Polyester. Die Albaad Gruppe bietet eine biologisch abbaubare Alternative. By  Editorial staff

More than 100 international experts will present their latest innovations of the textile industry. Also: A highly interesting discussion about “Circular economy” with the three worldwide biggest fiber producers. © GFC

05/09/2019 – Textile industry

Textile industry

Dornbirn-GFC 2019: first time with Startup Days

Sustainability/circular economy, digitalization, technical textiles, nonwovens and the first Startup Days are the hot topics. By  Editorial staff

Am 6. November 2019 um 9:00 Uhr beginnen im Festsaal der Freiheitshalle Hof die 34. Hofer Vliesstofftage. © vtb-bayern

30/08/2019 – Tagungsprogramm jetzt abrufbar

Tagungsprogramm jetzt abrufbar

34. Hofer Vliesstofftage

Die 34. Hofer Vliesstofftage finden vom 6. und 7. November 2019 in der Freiheitshalle Hof. Das Tagungsprogramm ist bereits festgezurrt. By  Editorial staff

The user learns that Freudenberg Performance Materials is a pioneer in the recycling of PET bottles and is currently one of the largest recyclers in Europe with the recycling of 7 m PET bottles a day. © Freudenberg Performance Materials

26/08/2019 – Sustainability campaign

Sustainability campaign

Freudenberg Performance Materials askes: Did you know...?

Did you know...? Freudenberg Performance Materials launches sustainability campaign. By  Editorial staff

Step by step towards climate protection! Voith Air Systems Control Unit Exhaust Air © Voith Air Systems

06/08/2019 – Voith optimizes air system

Voith optimizes air system

Freudenberg Performance Materials aims to reduce CO2 emissions

New software and hardware solutions from Voith reduce energy and CO2 at Freudenberg’s non-woven production facility. By  Editorial staff

Helmut Lauterbach, Kelheim Fibres (on the right side), receives the WoW Innovation Award from INDA president Dave Rousse. © INDA

10/07/2019 – Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres

Kelheim Fibres wins World of Wipes Innovation Award

During the World of Wipes in Atlanta, the Bavarian manufacturer of viscose speciality fibres has been presented with the World of Wipes Innovation Award. By  Editorial staff

The new BO-P portal bale opener, with widths of 2.900 und 3.500 mm, offers better blending and productivity. © Trützschler

04/06/2019 – ITMA: Trützschler

ITMA: Trützschler

Intelligent, individual, sustainable!

Truetzschler presents new solutions for spinning preparation, nonwovens & man-made fibers at ITMA Barcelona 2019. By  Editorial staff