

The big moment has come: starting the line! From left: Dr. Michael Schürenkrämer (family member), Bodo Heetderks (Director Technology), Dr. Georg Reinhold (Managing Director CEO), Marc Wolpers (Managing Director Sales), Heinrich Trützschler © Trützschler

16/05/2019 – Trützschler Group

Trützschler Group

New customer and technology center for nonwovens

Truetzschler is opening its new customer and technology center for nonwovens in Egelsbach (near Frankfurt/Main). By  Sibylle Michel

This year, the congress is entirely dedicated to the topics of sustainability and digitalization. © shutterstock

07/05/2019 – 58th Dornbirn-GFC

58th Dornbirn-GFC

Communicating Fiber Innovations

Over 100 international speakers will present the latest innovations of the fiber and textile industry from September 11 to 13, 2019. By  Editorial staff

In Frankfurt Dilo shows the HyperTex. © DiloGroup

06/05/2019 – Techtextil: DiloGroup

Techtextil: DiloGroup

DiloGroup at Techtextil

The new needle arrangement “8000 X” ensures homogeneous distribution of needle penetrations in the felt. For interest particularly for car interiors. By  Editorial staff

Das Kissen hilft dem Nutzer durch Sensorflächen, Licht und drahtlose Kommunikation unterschiedliche Anwendungen zu bedienen, z. B. eine Weckfunktion durch Licht. © ITA

29/04/2019 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 17

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 17 kommt aus der Rubrik „Technische Textilien“. By  Daniel Keienburg

Brückner Supra-Flow BA © Brückner

24/04/2019 – Techtextil: Brückner

Techtextil: Brückner

The new Supra-Flow BA Air-Through Thermofusion Oven

The new Brückner BA Air-Through Thermofusion Oven supports nonwovens producers worldwide in the production of high-quality end products. By  Editorial staff

Techtextil: Sandler AG invites visitors to a world of nonwoven novelties at no. D54! © Sandler

23/04/2019 – Techtextil: Sandler

Techtextil: Sandler

Nonwoven adventure world

Sandler AG invites visitors to a world of nonwoven novelties at no. D54! By  Editorial staff

From May 14th to 17th Truetzschler Nonwovens presents production lines for “green” nonwovens at Techtextil (hall 3.0 booth B03). © Trützschler

10/04/2019 – Techtextil: Trützschler Nonwovens

Techtextil: Trützschler Nonwovens

New Solutions for processing eco-friendly materials

Truetzschler will discuss sustainable nonwovens at the Techtextil and offers new solutions for processing eco-friendly materials. By  Editorial staff