

Freudenberg Performance Materials will be presenting innovative crimping material for shoes that optimally combines high permanent moldability and shape retention with flexibility and suppleness. © Freudenberg Performance Materials

18/02/2020 – Wicket 6 + 7: Innovation made of non-woven fabric

Wicket 6 + 7: Innovation made of non-woven fabric

Freudenberg presents the world’s first nonwoven crimping material

The innovation meets the increasing demands of manufacturers and consumers alike in the footwear market. By  Editorial staff

© Uster

10/01/2020 – Zero-tolerance in quality for nonwovens producers

Zero-tolerance in quality for nonwovens producers

The Uster fiber cleaning

The most critical medical and hygiene applications for spunlaced nonwovens demand zero-tolerance of any contamination fragments larger than 1 mm. By  Editorial staff

First RF5 line starts spinning successfully © Reifenhäuser

10/12/2019 – First RF5 line starts spinning successfully

First RF5 line starts spinning successfully

Reifenhäuser Reicofil sets new standards

The first line of the new RF5 generation has successfully extruded the first filaments at the nonwoven manufacturer PFN. By  Editorial staff

Like other Lenzing fibers, Veocel Specialty Viscose fibers are originated from wood and certified as clean and safe. They are ideal for nonwoven applications ranging from wipes to sanitary products and diapers. © Lenzing

22/11/2019 – Commitment to sustainable viscose

Commitment to sustainable viscose

Veocel introduces Eco Care technology

Veocel introduces Eco Care technology to reinforce commitment to sustainable viscose. By  Editorial staff

Porcher industries will showcase his innovations at the 5th Edition of the Annual Automotive Exhaust Systems Summit, to be held in Dusseldorf on November 28th to 29th. © Porcher Industries

20/11/2019 – Automotive Exhaust Systems Summit

Automotive Exhaust Systems Summit

New mobility solutions by Porcher Industries

Porcher Industries presents the future of quiet and clean mobility solutions with materials that offer high-performance thermal and acoustical insulation. By  Editorial staff

Die Albaad Deutschland GmbH produziert feuchtes Toilettenpapier, das sich in den Wasserverwirbelungen der Kanalisation rasch auflöst und zu 100 Prozent biologisch abbaubar ist. © Albaad Deutschland

19/11/2019 – Feuchttücher richtig entsorgen

Feuchttücher richtig entsorgen

Am 19. November ist Welttoilettentag

Anders als feuchtes Toilettenpapier gehören alle anderen Tücher wie etwa Abschmink-, Desinfektions- und Babytücher nicht in die Toilette. By  Editorial staff

Hard-particle coated nonwoven applied on a wheel carrier for passenger car chassis. © Freudenberg

08/11/2019 – Innovative technology to increase the friction coefficient

Innovative technology to increase the friction coefficient

Freudenberg acquires technology from innovative startup

Expansion of technology portfolio with hard-particle coating of nonwovens to enhance the friction coefficient. By  Editorial staff