
Robin Lemstra is Professional Service Director at Lectra Deutschland and provides implementation support to fashion businesses in the field of product and business development, with a focus on PLM (Photo: Lectra)

24/02/2016 – Lectra


Lectra: PLM is on trend

Companies such as H&M and Zara can now take a collection from drawing-board to the clothes rail in just two or three weeks. As fast fashion companies, ... By  Editorial staff
Fashion of the future? The LED ball gown by fashion label Elektro Couture Photo: Zoë Noble für ElektroCouture

Fashion of the future? The LED ball gown by fashion label Elektro Couture Photo: Zoë Noble für ElektroCouture

28/10/2015 – Lectra


2015: Back to the future

In 2015, the fashion industry proved once again that it is one of the most innovative industries, perhaps coming in just behind the automotive and mechanical ... By  Editorial staff
The partnering with Lectra has delivered significant results for Imperial Photo: Lectra / youtube

The partnering with Lectra has delivered significant results for Imperial Photo: Lectra / youtube

23/08/2015 – Lectra Fashion PLM

Lectra Fashion PLM

Imperial: Seven days from design to sale

The Italian fast-fashion company Imperial provides menswear and womenswear to 4,000 customers across the world. By  Editorial staff