

YIWUTEX/YIWUSEW 2022 is now open for free visitor registration. © ZhejiangTex

25/04/2022 – Trade fairs

Trade fairs

ZhejiangTex returns in June 2022

ZhejiangTex, trade fair for the textile and garment industry, will be held under the name YIWUTEX/YIWUSEW from 8–10 June 2022 at the Yiwu International ... By  Editorial staff

Several options for customization are possible. © Pleva

04/04/2022 – Quality control

Quality control

The smart way of weft-straightening

The automatic straightening machine StraightLiner SL smart by Pleva makes it possible to correct distortions over the shortest length of fabric. By  Editorial staff

Groz-Beckert develops, produces and sells machine needles, precision parts, fine tools and systems for the textile industry. © Groz-Beckert

25/03/2022 – Needle and sinker for staple fiber

Needle and sinker for staple fiber

Cost savings loop by loop

Knitting staple fibers comes with its own challenges. Groz-Beckert has the solution: needles and sinkers with the suffix SF. By  Sibylle Michel

The fringed coat is made of 45% high quality wool; 30% soft alpaca wool and 25% polyamide is used to stabilise the natural fibres. The sheep's wool is "mulesing free" and is obtained from merino sheep in New Zealand. © Marc Cain

16/06/2021 – Knitting Technology

Knitting Technology

Marc Cain: A knitted coat featuring 1,600 fringes

What at first appears to be the usual creation of a knitted jacket turns out to be a technical masterpiece on closer inspection. By  Editorial staff

Gründerduo Christian Zarbl, Bartho Schulte: Strickwaren On-Demand sparen Zeit und Ressourcen. © Digitale Strickmanufaktur

30/04/2021 – Nachhaltigkeits-Start-ups – Folge 10: Digitale Strickmanufaktur PoC

Nachhaltigkeits-Start-ups – Folge 10: Digitale Strickmanufaktur PoC

Ziel Zero (10): Das Unmögliche wagen

Alles was wir an Bekleidung tragen, sollte entweder recycelbar oder vollbiologisch abbaubar sein. Innovative Start-ups zeigen neue Wege auf. By  Hans-Werner Oertel

Simulation of knitting and putting on a mask. The colors provide information about the tension. The Influence of face shape and knitting tension on concern is demonstrated. © Fraunhofer ITWM

30/03/2021 – High-performance textiles, compression and sportswear

High-performance textiles, compression and sportswear

Fraunhofer ITWM: Realistic simulation of technical textiles

New software program TexMath enables simulation and optimization of textile products. An article by Annika Dreßler, Fraunhofer ITWM. By  Editorial staff

Seit 30 Jahren gehört der Allrounder Falke Family zu den meistgekauften Falke-Produkten und ist damit ein absoluter Bestseller. Es gibt ihn, wie sein Name schon erahnen lässt, für die ganze Familie. © Falke

17/03/2021 – Nachhaltigkeit


Falke: We are Falke Family!

Ab der Herbst/Winter-21/22-Saison wir die Falke Family-Serie auf eine nachhaltige Materialkomposition umgestellt. By  Editorial staff