

3D Warp Knit Laminates: 3D structures introduced in the digitally controlled knitting process form the basis for the individualization of performance zones and design in occupational safety and leisure clothing. © Trans-Textil GmbH

06/05/2019 – Techtextil: Trans-Textil

Techtextil: Trans-Textil

New products with highest standards

Innovative textiles with function, design and environmental compatibility are the highlights of Trans-Textil at the Techtextil. By  Editorial staff

TT e-tex: By introducing conductive yarns, it is possible to create intelligent and functional textile solutions. © Stoll

12/04/2019 – Techtextil: Stoll

Techtextil: Stoll

A wide range of knitting solutions

Stoll will be presenting a wide range of knitting solutions for the medical, sports, mobility, home and smart textile sectors in Frankfurt. By  Editorial staff

Loudspeakers with acoustic fabrics made by roma © roma

10/04/2019 – Techtextil: roma

Techtextil: roma

Technical and Heating Textiles

High-Quality Knitted Fabrics: Roma presents a modular textile composite thermal insulation system (WDVS), special acoustic fabrics and heating fabrics. By  Editorial staff

The new features include an AR mode and ultra-realistic knit fabric viewer, enabling a richer virtual knit experience. © Shima Seiki

05/04/2019 – Shima Seiki

Shima Seiki

Update of “” App

Shima Seiki Wakayama, Japan has released a major update to its smart device app “”. By  Editorial staff

Ze-Knit is a line of contemporary everyday wear based on ergonomic design principles that focus on the body’s movement to improve comfort and functionality. © Napapijri

25/02/2019 – Napapijri


Ze-Knit: the future of apparel

Napapijri has embraced product innovations that improve the lives of their consumers while making a meaningful contribution to the world. By  Editorial staff

Für die nächsten Monate erwartet die Maschenbranche eine fallende Kapazitätsauslastung und knappe Margen. © Gesamtmasche

11/02/2019 – Gesamtmasche


Nachfragerückgang und steigende Produktionskosten

Deutsche Maschenindustrie geht verunsichert ins 1. Quartal 2019. Die Unternehmen melden eine Abschwächung ihres Geschäfts. By  Editorial staff

Stoll provides support for one of the works included in the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao’s exhibition, Architecture Effects, with consultancy, knit-creation, and manufacturing of MOS Architects’ “A Tent Without A Signal.” © H. Stoll AG & Co. KG

Stoll and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao Collaborate in One of the Works Featured in “Architecture Effects Exhibition”. By  Editorial staff