

H. Stoll will exhibit with DITF (German Institute for Textile + Fiber Research) at ISPO Munich on February 3rd – 6th, 2019. © H. Stoll

30/01/2019 – ISPO 2019: H. Stoll

ISPO 2019: H. Stoll

Innovative development and production processes

H. Stoll and DITF present at ISPO, Munich, a fully-automated production and development process with their digitalized 3D CAD model. By  Editorial staff

After a period of meticulous planning and advanced tweaking, Cifra presents the Thermo project at Ispo, destined to blaze a new trail in the winter sports sector and in the area of body heat management. © Cifra

29/01/2019 – ISPO Munich

ISPO Munich

Cifra presents the Thermo Project

In Munich the company Cifra presents the Thermo Project with infrared rays and Thermolite. By  Editorial staff

Flavian Schuler and Samuel Gerber led the tour of Swisstulle. © IFWS Schweiz

17/01/2019 – IFKT Swiss National Section

IFKT Swiss National Section

Tour of Swisstulle

The members and friends of IFWS Switzerland met on 23.11.2018 for a special event. By  Editorial staff

Aarish Netarwala, United States: “Adidas Grit is a pair of resistance training shoes, that replicates the experience of training on soft sand. Grits can be worn to by athletes to train on any running surface. The sole of the shoe mimics sand and absorbs energy from the user, fatiguing the leg muscles faster through strenuous exercise.” © Adidas

04/12/2018 – Adidas Grit

Adidas Grit

Products of the future in 3D printing

The purmundus challenge 3D printing design award was presented for the sixth time in Frankfurt. The 2nd prize won Adidas Grit By  Editorial staff

© Mattes und Amann © Mattes und Amann

23/11/2018 – Mattes und Ammann

Mattes und Ammann

Always sustainable

Mattes und Ammann has made its mark quietly, through reliable continuity and high quality. Sustainability has always been high on its agenda. By  Editorial staff

Garment- and leather shoe-manufacturing, along with cultivation of agricultural products (mainly coffee), are the main industries in Ethiopia © Stoll

21/11/2018 – Stoll in Africa

Stoll in Africa

A success story!

H. Stoll AG & Co. KG, leading manufacturer of flat knitting machines, based in Reutlingen, has been working with the African market for over 40 years. ... By  Editorial staff

Airpaq - stylische Rucksäcke hergestellt aus alten Airbags und Sicherheitsgurten © Airpaq

05/11/2018 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 44/2018

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 44 kommt aus der Rubrik „Fashion“. By  Editorial staff