

Brands Fashion is Europe’s market leader in the field of sustainable workwear. The jury honored the usage of sustainable materials and a resource-saving approach to protect the environment, all the way to improvements in workers’ social and ecological conditions. © Arthur F. Selbach

10/12/2020 – A milestone in the field of sustainability

A milestone in the field of sustainability

Brands Fashion wins the German Sustainability Award

The textiles pioneer Brands Fashion has won the award in the category “Global Corporate Partnerships” at a virtual ceremony. By  Editorial staff

Trade reports indicate that under the MSP program, the Government of India has set a target to procure 2.1 million tonnes of seed cotton in 2020/21, which is almost 19 percent more than the procurement done in 2019/20. © Bremer Baumwollbörse

30/11/2020 – Cotton in India

Cotton in India

Production affected by heavy rains

According to rainfall data published by the Indian Meteorological Department, excess rains in major cotton growing states have led to flooding of crop ... By  Sibylle Michel

Closing stocks at the end of the season are estimated at 1.75 million tonnes. © Bremer Baumwollbörse

10/09/2020 – India


Cotton area at record levels

In the upcoming season 20/21, the USDA forecasts harvested area to reach near-record levels at 13.2 million hectares. By  Sibylle Michel

Ahmed Jahangir, executive Director of Nishat Textile Mills, Karatschi, Pakistan: “The demand for textile masks worldwide will continue even after the pandemic is over.” © Onuchcha/

07/09/2020 – Turning challenges into opportunities

Turning challenges into opportunities

Mask production in the age of Corona – a global view

Many Asian textile and garment suppliers are manufacturing textile masks to meet the robust global demand for masks and protective gowns. By  Manik Mehta, New York

© Irina Sokolovskaya/

17/03/2020 – Cotton arrivals have picked up pace

Cotton arrivals have picked up pace

Cotton exports from India revival

Post estimates marketing year (MY) 2019/20 cotton production at 6.4 MMT with a planting area of 13 mn hectares. By  Sibylle Michel

Panoramic view of the State-of-the-Art Technical Textile Plant at SVS Advanced Fabrics (SAF) with the multi-purpose Brückner coating line. © Brückner

12/03/2019 – Brückner in India

Brückner in India

Sri Venkatalakshmi Spinners (SVS/SAF) grows

Sri Venkatalakshmi Spinners (SVS/SAF) grows and successfully starts a high capacity Brückner coating line. By  Editorial staff