

The “Orthopac RXVMC-20” straightening concept by Mahlo is specially designed for processing textiles with high distortion dynamics. © Mahlo

Mahlo has developed an innovative straightening concept based on optimized straightening mechanics and advanced scanning evaluation electronics. By  Sibylle Michel

In the fields of sewing technology and cutting solutions, Texprocess offered the world´s most comprehensive range of suppliers presenting pioneering solutions for efficient and advanced manufacturing processes. © Messe Frankfurt/Pietro Sutera

29/04/2024 – Techtextil & Texprocess

Techtextil & Texprocess

Innovation drivers for growth

Techtextil and Texprocess 2024 ended with 1,700 exhibitors from 53 countries, 38,000 visitors from 102 countries and a 29% increase in visitor numbers. ... By  Editorial staff

Der Besuch wird zum Erlebnis – auch 2023 bietet Groz-Beckert wieder etwas Besonderes für die Besucher des Messestands, um die Produkte bestmöglich in Szene zu setzen. © Groz-Beckert

02/06/2023 – Interview


„Wir freuen uns auf das Highlight des Jahres“

Das Familienunternehmen Groz-Beckert ist weltweit führender Anbieter von industriellen Maschinennadeln und Präzisionsteilen über Feinwerkzeuge bis hin ...

Biomimetic fish fin with dielectric elastomer actors und fiber reinforcement. © ITM/TUD

15/12/2022 – Composites


Intelligent materials for robotics and prostheses

Researchers are going to develop a completely new class of materials in which actuators and sensors are integrated directly into flexible fibre composites. By  Sibylle Michel

Dilo engineers and produces high quality machines and production lines for the nonwovens industry. © Dilo

27/05/2022 – Techtextil: Dilo

Techtextil: Dilo

World of needling technology

Dilo concentrates on a completely new sector for web forming and needling which may be defined by the term “additive textile manufacturing”. By  Sibylle Michel

The event took place digitally this year. © DITF Denkendorf

23/11/2021 – Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2021

Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference 2021

Textile impulses for the future at ADDITC

On November 9 and 10, 2021, one of the most important European technical congresses was held: The Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference. By  Sibylle Michel

Das Vortragsprogramm wird ergänzt durch ca. 100 wissenschaftliche Poster und eine virtuelle Ausstellung. © ADD 2019

04/10/2021 – Textiltagung


ADD International Textile Conference erstmals digital

Die Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference vom 9. bis 10. November 2021 findet wegen der Covid-19-Pandemie erstmalig digital statt. By  Sibylle Michel