

Tentree plant ten trees for every product sold in countries all around the globe. © tentree

24/12/2019 – Many trees planted tentree

Many trees planted tentree

Ten trees for every product sold

Tentree, which was founded in 2006, has so far planted around 35 million trees worldwide to keep their brand promise. By  Editorial staff

3D verändert definitiv unsere Branche © Alvanon

23/12/2019 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 51/2019

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 51 kommt aus der Rubrik „Fashion“. By  Editorial staff

Underwear specialist Dilling won the first place called „Successvirksomhed“. © Dilling

20/12/2019 – Sustainability


Underwear specialist Dilling won the first place

The Danish company was among others awarded for its sustainability strategy, digitization skills and economic success. By  Editorial staff

Godecke Wessel, CEO Foursource © Foursource

18/12/2019 – For a more sustainable apparel industry

For a more sustainable apparel industry

Oeko-Tex and Foursource enter partnership

Foursource is the first worldwide company that can verify Oeko-Tex certificates through a direct interface. By  Editorial staff

How can we move away from fast fashion to a more sustainable attitude to clothing? The University of Ulm and TU Berlin are searching for answers to this question. © Anja Hirscher/Universität Ulm

17/12/2019 – Moving against fast fashion

Moving against fast fashion

DBU project encourages young people to consume textiles sustainably

Young people aged between 14 and 19 years tend to be seduced by fast fashion. DBU is pouring EUR 270,000 into the project with a view to improving the ... By  Editorial staff

Das Maßnahmenprogramm Nachhaltigkeit der Bundesregierung sieht vor, dass die Bundesbehörden ab 2020 die Textilbeschaffung zu 50 Prozent (ausgenommen Sondertextilien) nach ökologischen und sozialen Kriterien ausrichten. © kate/

17/12/2019 – Nachhaltige Textilien im öffentlichen Einkauf

Nachhaltige Textilien im öffentlichen Einkauf

FNR-Workshop auf dem Hamburger Vergabetag 2020

Die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. (FNR) bietet am 17. Januar 2020 einen Workshop zur nachhaltigen, öffentlichen Beschaffung von Textilien. ... By  Editorial staff