

Hightex 2021 International Technical Textile and Nonwovens Fair, which is scheduled to be held at Tüyap Exhibition and Convention Center from June 22 to 26, 2021, will present the latest technologies and products for nonwovens, technical and smart textiles, which have gained importance and become the focus of the whole world during the pandemic period. © Hightex

23/02/2021 – Global success of technical textiles

Global success of technical textiles

Hightex 2021: The fair will be held in June

Hightex 2021 is scheduled for June 22–26. The focus at the exhibition center in Istanbul will be on technical textiles and production technologies. By  Editorial staff

Trützschlers Good Vibes fair: Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome! © Trützschler

16/02/2021 – Trützschler Nonwovens and Trützschler Card Clothing

Trützschler Nonwovens and Trützschler Card Clothing

Let’s get virtual – an experiment

In November 2020, Trützschler staged a virtual in-house fair. Was it as simple as just going online and did it work and feel like a real trade fair? The ... By  Editorial staff

The German producer of high-tech testing equipment for the textile, nonwoven, and paper industries will demonstrate a simple and fast method to objectively measure important haptic parameters of fabrics with or without coating using the TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer. © Emtec Electronic

10/02/2021 – World Congress on Textile Coating

World Congress on Textile Coating

Emtec Electronic: novel way to measure haptic quality

Emtec Electronic presents with TSA Tactile Sensation Analyzer a novel way to measure haptic quality at World Congress on Textile Coating. By  Editorial staff

© Lenzing

29/01/2021 – Blockchain-enabled traceability platform

Blockchain-enabled traceability platform

Lenzing: New level of transparency in the textile industry

Building on several successful pilot projects, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced. By  Editorial staff

Ein großer Moment: Übergabe der FFP2-Zertifizierung am Standort der Zettl Group. Gruppenbild. © Sandler AG

25/01/2021 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 3/2021

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 3 kommt aus der Rubrik „Technische Textilien“. By  Editorial staff

The nonwoven used in protection classes FFP1 through FFP3 respiratory masks plays a decisive role. © Oerlikon Nonwovens

22/01/2021 – Meltblown and spunbond technologies

Meltblown and spunbond technologies

Oerlikon Nonwoven: Tackling coronavirus

The worldwide demand for protective masks and apparel has resulted in a record number of new orders at Oerlikon Nonwovens. By  Editorial staff