

The Earth team visited the Nilit facilities in Israel and the USA to learn more about our environmentally responsible premium Nylon 6.6 products. © Nilit

04/09/2020 – Sunday, September 6th at 5:00 PM EDT on Fox Business News

Sunday, September 6th at 5:00 PM EDT on Fox Business News

See Nilit on EARTH with John Holden

Nilit will be featured in this weekend'’s episode of Earth with John Holden, a national television show series focusing on sustainability and improving ... By  Editorial staff

Die letzten Monate haben gezeigt, dass es immer wichtiger wird, unabhängig von Importen zu agieren, wenn es um Produkte für die allgemeine Grundversorgung geht. Mit dem Melblown, das zurzeit in Nerdlen produziert wird, werden bei TechniSat Atemschutzmasken hergestellt, die dem offiziellen Standard der FFP2 entsprechen. © TechniForm

03/09/2020 – Schutzmasken


TechniForm produziert Meltblown-Vlies

Produktion von Meltblown-Vlies für Schutzmasken bei TechniForm in Nerdlen gestartet. By  Editorial staff

Due to the short-term increase in demand from Chinese customers, Lenzing AG is breaking new ground. For the first time in the history of Austria, a local company is sending goods that are 100 percent produced in Austria directly to China by train. © Lenzing/Scheiblecker

02/09/2020 – Upside-down world

Upside-down world

Lenzing sends fibers by train from Austria to China

For the first time in the history of Austria, a local company is sending goods that are 100 percent produced in Austria directly to China by train. By  Editorial staff

From left to right: Dr Oliver Bär, Hof District Administrator; Dr Christian Heinrich Sandler; Bärbl Sandler; Hubert Aiwanger, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs; Hans-Peter Baumann, Mayor of the town of Schwarzenbach/Saale; Dr Hans-Peter Friedrich, Vice-President of the German Bundestag © Sandler

01/09/2020 – Filter media for about 600mn mouth-nose-protection masks a year

Filter media for about 600mn mouth-nose-protection masks a year

Sandler: New production line formally inaugurated

On August 26th, Sandler formally inaugurated a new production line for nonwovens for face masks. By  Editorial staff

Textile fibers and reinforcements from date palm byproducts of pruning. © PalmFil

28/07/2020 – Wicket12: Egyptian consortium develops first textile palm fibers

Wicket12: Egyptian consortium develops first textile palm fibers

PalmFil - Potential of date palm fiber newly discovered

Palmfil consortium develops first textile palm fibers and reinforcements extracted from the byproducts of pruning of date palms. By  Editorial staff

Die diesjährigen Hofer Vliesstofftage sind abgesagt und finden nun erst wieder vom 10. bis 11. November 2021 statt. © vtb-bayern

18/06/2020 – Vliesstofftage


Corona: Hofer Vliesstofftage erst in 2021

Die diesjährigen Hofer Vliesstofftage, geplant vom 04. bis 05. November 2020 sind abgesagt und finden nun erst wieder vom 10. bis 11. November 2021 statt. ... By  Editorial staff

Corona: The Dornbirn-GFC 2020 has to be cancelled. As an alternative the organizer will offer some lectures and discussions in the form of webinars. © Dornbirn

08/06/2020 – Dornbirn


Corona: The Dornbirn-GFC 2020 has to be cancelled

Due to the impact of Covid-19 there will be no possibility to conduct the congress in its usual form this year. By  Editorial staff