

"Dem Design obliegt eine zentrale Aufgabe, wenn es darum geht Slow Fashion umzusetzen", so Prof. Martina Glomb © Hochschule Hannover/Patrick Slesiona

09/04/2018 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 14/2018

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 14 kommt aus der Rubrik „Fashion“. By  Editorial staff

Trigema X Green Window © Green Window

03/04/2018 – Fashion Week Berlin

Fashion Week Berlin

Spotlighting the special

Fashion Week Berlin ran from 16-18 January 2018 and showed that Germany’s fashion capital is still in flux. By  Editorial staff

"Dem Design obliegt eine zentrale Aufgabe, wenn es darum geht Slow Fashion umzusetzen", so Prof. Martina Glomb © Hochschule Hannover/Patrick Slesiona

03/04/2018 – Forschungsprojekt Slow Fashion

Forschungsprojekt Slow Fashion

Slow Fashion – ganz langsam ....

Über die Chancen und Hemmnisse für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Bekleidungsproduktion und dem Bekleidungskonsum. By  Editorial staff

Zum Thema Textile Visionen veranstaltet der Fachbereich Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik die inzwischen schon 4. MG Open Spaces Konferenz © Hochschule Niederrhein

03/04/2018 – Hochschule Niederrhein

Hochschule Niederrhein

4. MG Open Spaces 2018

Textile Visionen: 4. MG Open Spaces 2018 – International Master Congress - 12. und 13. April 2018, Hochschule Niederrhein Mönchengladbach By  Editorial staff

Water is of priceless value. That is why Freudenberg Performance Materials in Chennai, India, has chosen to recycle every drop of its wastewater © pixabay

29/03/2018 – Freudenberg Performance Materials

Freudenberg Performance Materials

Sustainable water recovery

Water is of priceless value. That is why Freudenberg Performance Materials in Chennai, India, has chosen to recycle every drop of its wastewater. By  Editorial staff

Lycra T 400 made in part from a combination of recycled and renewable materials © Invista

27/03/2018 – Invista


Lycra T400 fibre with EcoMade Technology

A new fibre made in part from a combination of recycled and renewable materials. More than 65% of the content comes from sustainable sources. By  Editorial staff

Kinematics from design studio Nervous System. The first 3D-printed dress, made from a single piece © Photo: Nervous System/ Steve Marsel Studio

23/03/2018 – Sustainability


Innovation foundation in fashion

The mega trends technology and sustainability create innovative approaches to fashion driven by state-of-the-art know-how and environmental awareness. By  Editorial staff