Trade Fairs

12.05.2015: FESPA 2015:  European Sign Expo
12/05/2015 – FESPA 2015

FESPA 2015

European Sign Expo

Bei der European Sign Expo, die parallel zur FESPA 2015 (18.-22. MAi 2015, Köln) stattfindet, werden Geräte, Software, Materialien und Systeme für Werbetechnik, ... By  Editorial staff
12.05.2015: FESPA 2015: Printeriors
12/05/2015 – FESPA 2015

FESPA 2015


Printeriors ist eine neue anwendungsorientierte Veranstaltung speziell für die Innendesigner-Community. Hier wird das kreative Potenzial der Drucktechnologien ... By  Editorial staff
12.05.2015: FESPA Fabric: Rund um die Bekleidungsdekoration und den Textildruck
12/05/2015 – FESPA Fabric

FESPA Fabric

Rund um die Bekleidungsdekoration und den Textildruck

Bei der FESPA Fabric (FESPA 2015 in Köln, 18.-22. Mai 2015) wird eine große Konstellation von Möglichkeiten für die Bekleidungsdekoration präsentiert. ... By  Editorial staff
11/05/2015 – Domotex


Exhibition highlights

Dutch carpet weaver Robusta Carpets, which originally specialised in natural, pure Sisal flooring, unveiled at this year`s Domotex in Hanover a carpet ... By  Editorial staff
Sustainability remains a primary theme in the denim industry. Pictured: Denim Lovers/Colombiatex Photo: textile network

Sustainability remains a primary theme in the denim industry. Pictured: Denim Lovers/Colombiatex Photo: textile network

By  Editorial staff
Woven Comfort - rugs from classical to modern Photos: Deutsche Messe

Woven Comfort - rugs from classical to modern Photos: Deutsche Messe

27/04/2015 – Hanover


Domotex: Perfect platform for carpets

Running from 17 to 20 January 2015, Domotex, the worlds most important trade fair for carpets and floor coverings, drew around 40,000 visitors from 100 ... By  Editorial staff
27/04/2015 – The textile industry network

The textile industry network

Techtextil/Texprocess 2015: IVGT

An important focus of 2015 is on the major trade shows serving the textiles industry. In addition to the in-house and clothing shows that take place on ... By  Editorial staff