

Patagonia’s Black Friday cross-media campaign (Photo: Patagonia)

01/03/2017 – Storytelling


Social responsibility – a successful PR strategy

Businesses engaged in social and environmental activities thus have a fairytale blueprint at hand, including victorious heroes and heroines saving the ... By  Editorial staff

The essential nature of advanced wastewater management within the context of the responsible handling of water as a valuable resource is also illustrated by the subject of this year's World Water Day on March 22: “Water and Wastewater”. Lanxess offers important products for better water quality (Photo: adpic)

19/02/2017 – Lanxess


Textile dyeing without effluent

Reverse osmosis and ion exchange go hand in hand! By  Editorial staff

Modische Stiefelette und dazugehörige Tasche verbinden hohen ökologischen Anspruch mit modernem Design und tragbarem Chic im Alltag: „Stiefelette Ewah“ und dazugehörige Tasche „Melia“ (Photos: Peter Kaiser)

15/02/2017 – Blick über den Tellerrand

Blick über den Tellerrand

Ein ganz besonderer Schuh aus Pirmasens

Die traditionsreiche Peter Kaiser Schuhfabrik würde mit dem Prädikat „Special Mention“ des German Design Award ausgezeichnet. By  Editorial staff

The new Luxury Jersey fabric is made with bio-based yarn by Fulgar. (Photo: Luxury Jersey)

15/02/2017 – Fulgar


A new Luxury Jersey fabric

The launch of the new Luxury Jersey fabric made with bio-based yarn by Fulgar. "Fashion that is even more ethical and traceable". By  Editorial staff

Poygiene und die spanische Outdoormarke Ternua informieren am 20.2.2017 in Heilbronn über geruchskontrollierende Ausrüstungen (Photo: Polygiene)

15/02/2017 – Veranstaltungshinweis


Geruchskontrolle als Verkaufsargument

Geruchskontrolle als Verkaufsargument und was Verkäufer darüber wissen sollten. Ternua und Polygiene laden redblue-Besucher zu informativem Vortrag ein. By  Editorial staff

Inauguration ceremony by Chief Guest Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister, Government People’s of Republic Bangladesh (Photos: Greenside)

15/02/2017 – Dhaka Apparel Summit 2017

Dhaka Apparel Summit 2017

An open dialogue on the textile and apparel industry in Bangladesh

An international apparel summit is all set to take place in Dhaka with the objective of opening dialogue on framing strategies to secure a more sustainable ... By  Editorial staff

Cotton is produced in around 80 countries worldwide on an average of 33 million hectares, or 2.5 % of the world’s arable land (Photo: Bremer Baumwollbörse)

08/02/2017 – Cotton Production

Cotton Production

Efficient Irrigation Methods Reduce Water Consumption

Does cotton consume a lot of water? The answer is no, because much has happened here. By  Editorial staff